Louis E.

I like Yael (Hot Rachel) because she schemes back at the schemers.

The doctor was disguised as a delivery messenger,she had to have him inside the room where no one else could see him before he dropped that act.

Again the desperate twisting of attacks on actions into attacks on people…grow up!

You seem to be displaying the mental weakness of treating necessary correction as needless cruelty and denying that true compassion is shown by persisting in offering that correction despite its being resented.

She was an interesting goofball,but it sounded like she was giving up on him to me.

It should be noted that euthanasia of babies IS legal in the Netherlands…look up "Groningen Protocol" and "Eduard Verhagen".
I wonder if there's a Dyad branch there…

He didn't die in a season finale,so his death had to be addressed immediately.

Knee-jerk anti-eugenic prejudice that equates genetic counselling with death camps gets on my nerves,and I hope that the show isn't trying to cultivate it.If you can focus on eliminating a genetic defect,not a person,a therapy that improves people or their children is something to work for.

Evie specifically said that monitoring was being discontinued.

After spending the whole season DREADING the possibility that Delphine's death,just like the two season-finale deaths before,would turn out to be fake,I knew the gig was up as soon as that scene started.

It would make sense for her to be back but I think this amounts to a write-out.

Can Art make Roxie's arrest stick?

Alison wouldn't share him.

This was my last episode of Orphan Black after never having missed one.

They are co-conspirators in doing what no one should ever do,and hurt each other by enabling each other to do something that no one should ever do.
It saddens me that anyone could think that at any time at all,be it 12016 or 102016 or 1002016,there could ever be an excuse for such an outrageous desire to be acted upon.

That they are of the same sex makes the desire severely disordered.

Absolutely not…it dehumanizes them to define them by their weakness for the unconscionable practice of same-sex sex,just as it does to say that all blind people are is their blindness.At the same time it purports to free them from responsibility for their actions which they have to no lesser degree than anyone else.

Absolutely not…finding a co-conspirator does not make an irrational act any more rational.

I have never belonged to any religion or regard any putative sacred text as divinely authored.Your desperate attempts to treat attacks on actions as attacks on persons remain ridiculous.

People can't ever have any justification for acting on sexual attraction to members of the same-sex,which because it is toward members of the same sex can have absolutely nothing right with it.