Louis E.

Neither hatred nor fear of people are remotely involved,and only someone who does not understand the issue would think that they are.

Absolutely NOT bigotry,just recognition of what behaviors are worthy of acceptance by society and what behaviors are not."Stop doing that" does NOT mean "I hate you".

Nobody…I'm the one with a real understanding of the issues.
The homosexual lobby (whether the propagandists who deceived you were homosexual themselves or not) obviously brainwashed YOU.

Any valid sense of morality is offended by the misinterpretation of the law of this land that says otherwise.

Take the being wrong out of "being gay" and there is nothing left of it.

Wrong again…you've been lied to.

Quite the opposite.You need to stop tolerating it when people feed you comforting lies about your weakness for misbehavior because they think you're too weak and stupid mentally to overcome that weakness.

I am railing,above all,against the lie that it "hurts no-one" when in fact the act's mere existence hurts everyone.Very bad things can "come naturally".

The "dictatorship of relativism" in full force….still wrong,still irrelevant.

Anyone who told you that there was nothing wrong with "being gay" (or indeed that "being gay" amounts to anything BUT being wrong about whether one's homosexuality is a disorder one is obligated never to allow to influence one's behavior) should be ashamed of themselves.

I'm sad that someone has apparently seared the idea that my principled understanding of right and wrong behavior is "bigotry" into your psyche.

No,it is intensely irrational to treat homosexuality as if it were not a disorder.If it were the norm a species would go extinct…that it exists only in survivably small percentages does not change the fact that ideally it would not exist at all.Whining that those who recognize flaws as flaws are bigots
is vile.

Stop pretending "stop doing that" means "I hate you".
It is neither hatred nor bigotry to treat homosexuals as having enough mental capacity to recognize their homosexuality as a disorder.If you think they don't have it,or write them off as whole human beings by treating their homosexuality as "who they are",
you're the

They need to make sure their kids don't believe the excuses for homo- or trans-sexuality spewed by the propaganda machines.

There is a great deal wrong with seeing someone's being of one's own sex as if it did not absolutely preclude any possible justification for love between

Being natural makes them no less disordered…nature isn't perfect and neither are we!

I have never believed in the divine authorship of any putatively sacred text.
Logic requires that all sexual relationships in a sexually dimorphic species be between individuals of opposite sexes and all failures to adhere to this norm be deplored.The very belief that same-sex sex is not wrong harms anyone misled into

To be led to believe that same-sex sex can be justified is a psychological hurt.Openly defending that point of view is proof that you have suffered that hurt.

"Being gay" is a particular case of being irrational…it is an identity based on believing comforting falsehoods about one's disordered desires.

Denial of being hurt is both symptom and proof of being hurt in this case.