Louis E.

Fact is,my position is NOT nonsense,the "LGBT" position is.

It's the people who have yet to admit that fact who need to be told.

Butt-sex is fine if it's man + woman.

The people with things to put in holes should put them in the holes of people without things to put in holes.

Quit pretending there is hate involved in telling right from wrong.

Because the Bible (like other "sacred texts") is occasionally wrong about what ought to be,doesn't mean there is no such thing as what ought to be.

Fundamentally undeniable fact.

That the species has two sexes determines that only opposite-sex acts make sense.
It's not about the weight,color,or any other distinguishing factor.

Nothing arbitrary about this most essential of distinctions.Sex is about sex!

Because it's same-sex,and the species has two sexes.
And yes,that IS sufficient reason.

Maybe stop pretending that denial amounts to debunking.
That things exist in nature does not prove or even imply that they should exist…nature is imperfect!
Do you think that the species that eat their young are fit role models for humans?

The claim that there is no objective truth is objectively false.

Every decision to engage in a same-sex sex act is a poor choice!!

It IS a weakness,and being same-sex defines all same-sex sex acts as wrong.
Only the brainwashed and hard of comprehension think there is nothing wrong with the sociopathic attitude called "being gay" (the unfortunate combination of homosexual desire and pretense that its gratification can ever be defensible).

Celibacy is the default state of the individual,and heterosexuality the optimal "wiring".No contradiction there.Conduct and desire are different things.
That the species has two sexes means that opposite-sex sexual relationships are the only kind that can make sense,and any that fail to be opposite-sex need to be

I've spelled it out.
That the species has two sexes determines that opposite-sex sexual relationships are the only kind that can be logically justified.All failures to adhere to that norm constitute harm to the species.And
losing the instinct to be offended by such failures is one kind of harm those failures and

Incest,in certain circumstances,can be OK but same-sex sex can't.

The sexes themselves (not talking about individuals at this point) exist for each other.
Anyone who is in a same-sex sexual relationship needs to get out of it!

NO IDEA where you got that.
My point is that we grow up celibate (= not in sexual relationships) and should only ever get into sexual relationships if we find opposite-sex partners.

There's nothing good in calling people's weakness for a misbehavior "who they are",or writing them off as incapable of overcoming that weakness.