Louis E.

Because the species has two sexes,only opposite-sex sexual relationships can be logical.

1)because the species has two sexes,same-sex sex acts should never happen.
2)people who want to engage in such acts need to realize that fact applies to them too.
3)when they find a co-conspirator in violating rule 1,it takes their attention off the obligation to obey rule 2.

You appear to have an irrational bias against objective truth.

I am not a Bible reader,but there are plenty of parts there (and wise advice elsewhere) that love for people often involves persistent pressure on them to correct their behavior,and is absent when that
pressure is lazily abandoned.

Because the sexes exist for each other.

There are certain activities that ought never to happen.When people with a taste for those activities get together to find ways to get away with those wrongful acts,they harm everyone.

I keep explaining,you keep denying.

Society's ideal state is completely free of homosexual activity.
No particular opposite-sex relationship needs to have a reproductive intent or capacity,it's just that all sexual relationships need to be opposite-sex.Any child not brought up to understand this is abused and I doubt that any same-sex couples can

No,reality is they harm everyone and the denial of being harmed is both a symptom and proof of the harm caused.

The sexes exist for each other…if one were good enough we wouldn't have two.

It is good for homosexuals to feel bad about their homosexuality,and bad for them to feel good about it.We ALL have flaws,and admitting that they are flaws doesn't make us subhuman and shouldn't be painful.Telling homosexuals that same-sex sex is OK is no better than telling alcoholics that getting drunk at will is

I am saying that it's impossible to have a good reason to be in a homosexual relationship,that wanting to is NOT a good reason because it's a bad desire.
It worsens rather than treats a disorder to mutilate healthy bodies in order to accommodate the delusions of diseased minds.

We are all born celibate and unless molested grow up that way.
We should only leave that state for sufficient cause,which an opposite-sex attraction may or may not be,but a same-sex attraction innately can never be.Having a co-conspirator doesn't turn wrong into right.

Again,that there are two species determines that opposite-sex sexual relationships are the only kind that ought to exist in the species.Every deviation from that ideally-universal norm harms the fabric of all humanity.On the individual level,
Those involved are harmed by enabling each other's bad instincts;
those prone

If you are of the same sex,you are harming each other by enabling your bad instincts.

The old "declare victory and go home" gambit?
We need to discover things through reason,and not deceive ourselves that we decide them.

It is not reasonable to see any same-sex sex act as not causing harm.

It makes a great deal of sense to keep one's behavior within rational bounds…which are not arbitrary but essential.

No,you forget that the default state for all individuals is celibacy.
The point is not that every person be in an opposite-sex,non-contracepting sexual relationship,but that opposite-sex sexual relationships be the only kind anyone ever gets into.

If only it were…and every bit helps!