
Not wanting to be judgemental but as much as I like Proyas' work, and love Dark City, he really should look at trying to shift some of that weight. Not doing the fat-shaming thing but, Alex, we want you around to make more films, especially if they are as loopy as this. Sadly his cherished two-part Dante's Inferno

I want a noir thriller about guys totally dedicated to a bank raid - The Passion Of The Heist.

If Egypt gave anything to the world it was Spanx.

I suppose the turning point for Eckhart was The Dark Knight, although I liked Rabbit Hole, which he did with Nicole Kidman. After that it's utter sewage, and looking at his Imdb page he also has a small role in The Wicker Man remake ('natch, Neil LaBute). This I did not know, but I'm certainly not going back to check

Christ but I detest that mouthbreathing, walking DNA sequencing mistake.


aka The Palins - What A Bunch Of Bastards.

Well, Bruce and the band are doing the sketches and Tina and Amy are doing the musical bits. It's a whole, new, fresh approach to utter madness.

I don't think Tina has ever been a younger man.

Saw The Wave at the LFF. Very impressed, a semi-disaster movie which - gasp - actually has characters in it, and a narrative which isn't entirely focused on what is going to happen halfway through. Very well made.


Batman Decides To Do Without The Utility Belt For A While was also a goodie.

The worst thing is when the ones younger than yourself start going. Lost a very close friend last month, six years younger than me. Was under fifty. Not fair.


Even More Dr. Moreau

Obviously, because the very first thing any producers who are still involved with a Top Gun 2 are going to do is get Val Kilmer on the phone, or visit the soup kitchen he currently frequents.

Oh! You've seen that as well. It was the 80s, there was so much money sloshing about from the video boom, Kinski had some incriminating photos,….

Robot-Jox, which was originally Robojox until Band changed it so as not to be sued by the makers of Robocop. I followed that through so many film markets. It was going to be Empire's big, big, big pic which made it a mini-major, and in around '85 when it was first announced they were claiming an A-list cast and a

I hope you walk down the Rodan visit her regularly.

Oh he tried, he certainly tried.