BeDemonKleener .

And other delights…

There's also Mastodon's Leviathan…

I think he wasn't a Nazi, but of the locals that the Alexi Sayle Sultan or whoever provided. That actually makes the Nazis more evil, that they were sending in "undesirables" in to trigger the trap.

McLaren, you mean?

Upvoted for Innis & Gunn!

Master of Reality is pretty much their Christian album, but I think it was to counter their satanic image. But Vol. 4 is pretty atheistic (Under The Sun in particular)


Clown college? You can't eat that!

That, and the cackle he gives before falling off the Golden Gate Bridge

As iconic as the Public Enemy ending is, the confrontation between Cagney and Bogart at the end of the Roaring 20s is stellar.

I'd settle for a Drexel's Class revival

Is it atomic?

Was going to bring that up. At the time, I thought the clips where they re dub Karloff's voice with Hartman's was the funniest thing ever.

Yes. Have some.

It has nothing to do with pods. It has nothing to do with people. It has everything to do with hurting.

"Thank you for returning my manuscript and your enclosed nasty niminy-piminy little note. I am afraid your letter is most unsuitable for me at the present time as I've just spent the entire weekend writing the novel that you have summarily rejected. I can only assume that it is company policy to reject all manuscripts

Hold on to your butts.

I'll bet she does! I'll bet she does!

Konami is being Ultra lame.