BeDemonKleener .

"Isn't she married to that short African dude who used to be in the Beatles?"


From your Pee and Emm.

"Oh, sweet mystery of life at last I've found you…"

*horse whinny*

The chrome Spider-Man at the end of every episode was far creepier.

What's in the milk?

Baltic porter is the doom metal of beer.

It coincided with my first wank.

"'Course it's shank or be shanked."

"…Trump crosses the line between everyday villainy and cartoonish super-villainy"

We need to quit Bickleing about the incident.

"When she masturbates she's still doing it with Madonna. When you spank your monkey, you're just doing it with Beavis."

I just found it on iTunes-the version of Brazil sold me on it. But your description of a jazzier Boards of Canada already intrigued me-that's also how I'd describe Tortoise.

What's the name of the Wunder album?

Paul McCartney: "Don't I get a last request?"
Biker #1: "Why not?"
Paul McCartney: [puts on platform shoes, gets on bar, sings Biker Like an Icon]

"Do you come with the car?"
"Hee hee. Oh, you!"

Listen! You smell something?

It had boobs in a PG movie released in 1994, so that's something. But it was basically a more convoluted version of Clue (even with the presence of Christopher Lloyd and Michael McKean).

Well, I'm in a crappy mood today. Wanna know why I'm in a crappy mood, hmm?