
She dropped by to talk without asking first. Who drops by in the age of cell phones? Hannah just assumed Shosh had nothing better to do. Not all that grown up.

I think she did expect Sosh to be on standby. Hannah is the kind self involved person who would be shocked to discover other people are living their lives, when she wasn't looking.

I recall he did a guest spot on a CSI type show last season. I think he's also been doing commercials and voice work. Not glamorous but pays pretty well. The Indy movie wouldn't have paid well. Apparently he's got good deal on rent. He's probably being a little over optimistic when should be saving.

I think Jessa has always been prone to manic behavior. She married someone she hardly knew. She's always been antsy and impulsive. She's good in a crisis, but not great with day to day life.

I think Ray had been living at his Aunt's apartment early in the show. It came up in season two. That's when Sosh realized he had stealthily move in with her and his lack of ambition bothered her. So he likely is a native.

My recollection of Adam and Hanah is that they were fuck buddies who became boyfriend and girlfriend. Hannah started to get tired of him but he got injured before she broke it off. She stayed with him while he recovered but was seeing Donald Glover on the side. She dumped Adam he stalked her, she called the cops but

Her children shouldn't have to grow up poor. Their Grandparents have money. They aren't liable for what Helen did. They can leave all their money to the grand kids, who also aren't liable. I'm surprised they don't have trusts set up for all the grand kids.

Helen remembered be told about Allison pushing Scotty. She couldn't remember that if it didn't happen. People who feel like they are vulnerable often put up armor, so they read as tough to other people. I think this is true of Allison. She sees herself as desperately scrambling to hold on. Other people find her

I could have sworn they got married off screen between Joanie's birth/Noah's shameful hot tubbing and Allison in pre-med/Noah complaining to his shrink about not being able to fuck his students. At any rate time had passed and they had more fully committed to a relationship they didn't really want. Noah felt obligated

I've found the time jumps annoying because they leave out important stuff. I'd like to see Coles' reaction to finding out Joanie was his. I'd like to know why Allison told him and decided to leave Noah. There wasn't anything at the end of season two to indicate she wouldn't wait for him. He did take the fall for her.

Helens's mother gave Noah a pill at the wedding. Xanax I think, but I'm not sure. She was being unusually nice. So he had that mixed with the booze.

The son would be a better bet than Witney. He's been more openly hostile. She just stopped talking to him and dates much older men. It's more like she's written him off than she actively hates him. It's been five years since the hot tub incident. She and Scotty hadn't been together for a couple of years when he died.

I noticed that Noah passed a gun store on his bus ride to his dad's house. I think Sex French saw a gun store from her car in an earlier episode. I wonder if that was intentional. I hope so because that would give a purpose for the character. Right now it looks like Sex French exists just so the writers could argue

I think Alison knows Helen was driving. Helen defends Noah a lot and she gets a lot of shit for it. I can see her telling Witney or her parents about Alison's role. Her mother is close to Luissa's mother. Witney is a shit stirrer. I can easily see it getting back to Cole, if Helen knew.

What should Helen have figured out about her ex husband? When they were married he was reluctant to take money from her parents. At his book reading last season he implied he would have rather continued to live in a small apartment and teach kids in Harlem. He suggested moving to a house in Brooklyn killed his

I thought he was yelling "Martin no" I wonder how it will play out now that there is a witness to him fighting with himself.

I can see Vic wanting to be with a non hostile Helen. As far as I can tell she's been (to him) inexplicably angry for two thirds of their relationship. He doesn't know she feels guilty, so I have no idea why he'd stay.

Louisa didn't marry a man who shared a child with an ex. She married a man who's ex had a child with her new husband. Cole and Louisa had been married a least a year before Allison told them about Joanie. Now Louisa has a husband who shares a child with a single, needy, ex. Louisa was deprived of the chance to make an