
Whoever you are, I think I'm in love. Thank you for what you have said; you are the first - and only individual who posts here that actually understands what Trump is trying to do (his big mouth notwithstanding). I just kept getting the feeling that people supported Hilary because they thought it was "cool" to do so

I'm more interested in seeing just how many "celebrities" move to another country because Trump won. They should all go live in the UK, the land of crippling taxes. Just ask George Clooney.


Don't know. In all of my EMS classes, they were careful to make the distinction. But every cop show I've ever seen on television use "assault" when someone has been "battered," so it probably doesn't really matter any more. Especially since everyone knows that cop shows are famous for their realism.

Thanks for your reply. I enjoy writing myself; however, I have absolutely no illustrative talent whatsoever, so I envy people who can draw, paint, etc. I took a Written Communications and Intro to Literature class from the same professor a couple of years ago and we did a whole lot of writing in both classes. At