No I'm talking about the last thing your just dumb there's no point in continuing this because you act like a child who doesn't want to lose.
No I'm talking about the last thing your just dumb there's no point in continuing this because you act like a child who doesn't want to lose.
No you just don't know when your being trolled this is just entertaining at this point. I bet your eye popping mad right now just like freaking out
Lol well I can see this arguements clearly over. It always is when all the persons comeback is correcting your spelling. Have a good day wallowing in your own shit hippy
Oh now I'm a white supremacist lol. You clearly are one of those pc liberal, let me guess you also blame trump for americas problems think women are held back and think African American ppl are oppressed and you probably believe in white guilt…. sorry bud I'm just a regular American who's tired of hearing your…
Lol no see you sound like a idiot trying to say I called my self mentally challenged are you dumb brah? There are so many things wrong with your arguement. You need to go re educate yourself on life and how one properly makes an argument.
My point exactly typical liberal calling someone names because you can't make a sound argument. All while being sorely misinformed that or you have a horrible misinterpretation of things. Because what I'm referring to is all the bad reviews that the show has got from ppl that are clearly liberals just from what they…
No I'm nothing like you or your pc compadres. Plus I have reason behind my argument all you and this other guy have done so far is made no argument and haven't said anything logical just called names so unless you got something please don't waste my time I'm trying to watch this awesome show Iron Fist
Why because it offends you lmao get over your self