
He's not Taiwanese either. Saramis' point - and the truth - is that Randall Park is Korean.

Sure, but the idea of her outfit (like many video game characters) is a sexualized, fetishized version of an Asian female.

Good to hear that it was for satirical humor. I thought that might have been the case, but again I wish the show would have pointed it out more obviously (as they did with the Buddha painting) - the show doesn't normally dive too deep so I guess I gave it less credit than I should have.

Am I the only one who is unimpressed and, frankly, quite disappointed, with this episode? As a Chinese-American, I was certainly a bit shocked when Constance, by attempting to prove herself "Chinese enough", in fact yields to all sorts of uncomfortable (at its best) to insulting and fetishizing (at its worst)

That seems suspicious, or just bad writing. It was fairly concidental that Team Avatar was in Zaofu at that time; they were about to leave the next day. What if the jail break had happened a day later, or if it had taken them a day longer to leave Republic City, etc. etc.? Aiwei was so close to Su that it seems like

Does it seem strange to anyone else that Team Zaheer had established such a good relationship with Aiwei when there was no way they could have known that Korra would have be in the metal clan's city after they broke out of jail? It seems like Aiwei had a lot planned (moveable bookshelf and all) but it could have all