
The Cat in the hat movie was terrible! I came very close to walking out and would have if I hadn't had others with me. Even the good Doctor's widow hated it… and I imagine she made some good change off of it.

Don't feel stalled! It's just time for a break. Enjoy things for a minute. I had plenty of those times in my life and I am now mid-50s and learning that my life is awesome! No longer worrying or thinking about what might have been, but just embracing and enjoying the what is!

Maybe Megan's initial intentions were to enjoy married life in NY with Don, but then she realized his own secretary didn't even know he was married?! Things were already on the edge, especially when you think about the difficult time they have when they are together in LA. This trip probably just confirmed what she

No, but Ken keeps an eye on her.

LOL Breathe! That's what we're supposed to see. In NY, Megan doesn't have her distraction of work and friends, so their time together is their own and she takes care of him. In LA, she has a life and she is thoroughly enjoying it, but Don is not really a part of that.

I think Don has a fantasy about what he'd like his life to look like. If Megan had gotten pregnant earlier on as she hoped, things may have played out differently. He has this cookie cutter idea of what family life should be, but didn't grow up with it, and doesn't know how to get it. So he goes back to what he

I like Megan. I think that she and Don are an odd couple. He's quite a bit older than her and is becoming somewhat square, at least it appears so when he is in LA where things are "different" than his world in NY. I always thought she was just another throwaway girlfriend and was surprised when he married her. (Me

His own secretary didn't even know he was married. Megan's issues stem from knowing that Don "cats around" as they used to say. SHe made a remark to that effect when he was in LA recently. SHe knows his track record and probably assumes if there is a woman calling, it's an intimate relationship.

His little girl, based on Trudy's comments, sees him once a year. SHe doesn't really know him. I doubt Trudy is making an effort to keep him in the forefront of Tammy's life when he's not around.
And yes, he only shows remorse when caught. So probably more upset that he got caught than remorseful about what he did.

Pete is a smarmy little slimeball. That's where the Pete Hate comes from.

I thought Peggy's shot against TV might not be loved by Harry, since that's where his bread and butter is!

Breathe!!! That's how advertising works… many business actually. It's called a team!

Did I miss an episode? Did Peggy finally give her baby up for adoption? I thought her mom kept the baby? Early on, I recall her encouraging Peggy to go in and say good bye to the baby who was in a room at her mom's.
Also, I just have to say it! Joan does not NEED anyone to live comfortably. Remember, she is a

Burger Chef made it… for a while. You must be young! LOL