Joe Kickass

Yup, it was him. He had some good energy but ultimately it felt like college kid bullshit. The banjo thing was really weird. Like everyone was psyched that he was about to jam but all he did was abuse the poor thing. The crowd loved it for some reason.


For some reason, him and DBT really resonate more when you're in a foreign country. Instant homesickness

I had a similar experience. Most of the crowd came for the opening act (which was fun but not great) and left before Isbell came on. I actually talked with the bartender about how mind-boggling that was.

Still angry about the warp whistle thing

Flash barks

yeah, liberal use of the term "outlier" is great

Eh, in science we just come up with a bunch of shit to explain why that one thing didn't work/doesn't fit/isn't convenient. It's fun!

Sounds more like Objectivism

If he's so smart, then why are only 75 books listed?

No that's a dickish reply.  It's a great song from a low-profile album and if this article gets more folks to listen to it, then it's well worth it.


The Comedy Cellar isn't a great space (it's arranged badly for a performance space) so it's basically only worth seeing for the comics.

hey guys I think his mom is in this too

@avclub-5934f8d8c7553f3a03d2f898e03d721c:disqus He's from Brooklyn ya mope!

@avclub-7fe30f83b8e5444c948077a061740793:disqus @avclub-5934f8d8c7553f3a03d2f898e03d721c:disqus Between this and The Friends Of Eddie Coyle (and likely a bunch of other stuff I've forgotten), Boyle showed how excellent he could be in a ruthless villain role.

@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus Mission To Mars was boring as all hell but they handled space death pretty well. Robbins' face basically dehydrates and becomes quickly withered and semi-frozen