
"three women"? Not sure that's correct, unless there is another cadaver out there yet to be discovered. He killed two women and one man while dressed as a woman…supposedly.

Stewart running in 2016 confirmed?

I guess it's just one of those situations where you bring to it your own ratio of sincerity to satire, because while I can certainly see your reading of the song I would also totally believe him if he came out and said that the entire thing was a joke on anyone who can relate to that mindset.

It doesn't get any easier deeper into the album. Chateau seems pretty sincere, but I couldn't help but hear it as an attack on the part of the audience who are like those characters, who take a puerile pride in being 'alternative', but its hard to write the whole song off as a joke, because it has some really

For me this is the 'Ultraviolence' of 2015 in that no matter how many times I listen to it I can't quite get a grip on which parts of it are satire and which are sincere. It's too convincing a portrait of the loathsome artist that people like for the wrong reasons and pose loudly about. It's clear that he's not

It's simultaneously better than expected and a bit of a disappointment, this film. It's hard to say exactly what I wish was different about it - since as the review points out its the 'flaws' that make it such an interesting watch - but if this film was just better it would have been one of my favorites for the year.

A really great review of one of the years more interesting, if fascinatingly flawed, films. I went in expecting Eastwood comparisons, but left feeling more like I would after watching a Haneke or Von Trier film; it's brutal and beguiling like their works, if a little less beautiful. Can't wait to see what he does next.