Nick Bond

After watching the Inside: LEGO doc on Netflix, the movie seems to me to be a pretty direct allegory to the company's creative and business resurrection in the late 90s, early 2000s. It's basically "The Internship" done "right".

Yeah, and I get that, it's an entirely fair point that I just happen to not agree with for my own personal enjoyment of the show. I get where people are coming from, totally, but for me, I see this episode as being about the characters. Things like this — in this case, a incredibly long-running joke/wager between

It essentially is: the key word in the entire endeavor is "How" not "The Mother". The mother is essentially — and actually was, until the last season finale — a MacGuffin. All of the stuff that happens with Ted and his friends IS the most important part of the show. It's something they've been hitting literally since