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    "What are the Cybertek “incentives”?" - if you have to ask this, you didn't watch the show properly. They answer this pretty definitively.

    Definitely in the minority there, mate.

    More like an A- at worse. This film was unreal. Go watch it.

    Nope, I've never made it all the way through the first film and i've tried a few times now.

    No mention of "The Gas Leak year"?

    That episode was filled with very visually striking moments which just sucked you in.

    Quick note on the Swedish point; 90% of Swedish people speak English. Only if you were unfamiliar with the country would you say something like that.

    Man, you guys are super negative. I've been enjoying the show, end of. It will truly find itself in time and so far, with each episode, it's been getting better and better.

    No mention of the moment when Bart shows that he's just as smart as Lisa but applies himself in different ways?