Gordon Bombay

I'm literally the farthest removed from a "shipper" or part of a fandom or whatever, as a straight single adult male that isn't familiar with tumblr etc, and I thought the relationship aspect of this episode was extremely clear. I was actually surprised and a little disappointed that the reviewer didn't even mention

Yeah, I think that the Gem transmutation device or ability would have to be like a state secret. Something known only to the diamonds, or perhaps used by the other diamonds forcefully on Rose.

I think that some of the things you pointed out are actually things that make the rose is pink diamond theory attractive to me.
Without getting too into it I'll just say that the theme of free will and choice, of rebelling against what you are MADE to be, which has been rose's message and impetus for everything, that

I think if the Rose is Pink DIamond theory is true, it is predicated upon the idea that she was somehow able to change her gem, from a quartz to a diamond. I've noticed a hell of a lot of people using this as proof positive that they aren't the same, because there's no way to change a gem. But we are basing that

Yes. Yes. YES! A million times yes!I Only caveat being that it would HAVE to be Sinbad returning to do the voice, not this new guy who replaced him a while back.

Nope, I noticed they replaced sin bad awhile ago. I can't remember the last time we saw mr. Smiley, oh yeah in sadies song, that was when I first noticed the voice actor had changed.

How strange that one person is literally speaking for the internet. You see, I will simply speak for myself in echoing your sentiments back at you. I don't like you. The great thing about the Internet is that you're just a name on a screen. So please, tell me more about what the collective disqus community here thinks

You're right huh! They saw the red eye and did their floaty super jumps from the house to the barn. So yeah after hit the diamond they likely all warped back together

Haha makes sense you run scared from facts and have no substantive reply. Fear of opposing views seems typical of your ilk.

Steven floats. They all arrived via warp pad. Although I remember the gems leaving the barn with greg, they all showed up back home with Steven via warp pad.

Why did they replace sin bad as the VA? Mr. Smiley sound weird now.

Hah right, the obama administration has done wonders for Americans. God I hate Morons.

Thank you. I've been saying it for years, something went down between Greg and amethyst for sure. The banter between her and vidalia alone gave it away.
Greg U likes his ladies large apparently.

Man I took it pretty simply that she assumed he was made in that kindergarden. Not because all quartz are made on earth, but because he is a young gem, and they are ON earth. Just as amethyst was grown on earth, she assumed Steven was as well. But I don't see where it implies that only quartz grow on earth, or only on

I still dont get why its so difficult for some people to understand whats going on. I guess just chalk it up to the sad state of the newer generations. Ok, the qualm with the walking dead is not about some perception that more black people get killed than white, the problem is a verifiable trend thats existed pretty

The van scene was terrible reviewer. It didn't do a somersault. It went nose first, and then in the next scene landed flat. It was very, very bad.

I literally watch this m pi vie on YouTube once a week. It's F*@king funny. Then again I love Pauly shore, biodome, encino man and son in law are some of my faves. I'd definitely pay to see a sequel. I'm actually watching the original to right now.

I literally watch this m pi vie on YouTube once a week. It's F*@king funny. Then again I love Pauly shore, biodome, encino man and son in law are some of my faves. I'd definitely pay to see a sequel. I'm actually watching the original to right now.