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    And Missy and her companion/s have to travel around in the Tardis foiling his evil plans?

    I liked that Missy calls out the Doctor for the arrogance of his 'no one is sacrificed!'* line, especially given the bit with plugging himself into their broadcast apparatus.
    "… yes, they won't stand a chance!"
    [ten minutes later]
    "No! Nevermind! This is hard!"

    "I only go in for girls and really, really girly men."

    I suspect the answer would be that the monks aren't talking about the moral ideal, or even the legal one*, but something to do with establishing their psychic link. If someone is in the right mindset then it will work, otherwise not.

    "HBO calls Bill Maher comment “tasteless,” “completely inexcusable”'

    Parody would apply if you're making money off of it. But this probably wouldn't count as parody or satire, so they'd need to actually have permission.

    I'm sure the God of Wrong* appreciates your worship.

    We know people's belief creates and maintains the gods - we don't know if it does the same thing for an afterlife.
    After all, most of the gods we see are supposed to live somewhere else - Valhalla or in most cases the afterlife, and only show up on earth sometimes. But every god we see in the story lives on earth, in

    (1) to hold an attitude towards a proposition, that it is true. To believe that "John is wearing a hat."
    (2) to hold an attitude towards a person or thing, one of trust, or faith, or moral approval, or even in some but not all cases reverence. To believe in the power of love.

    Because they can - bullies act that way because they get off on enforcing what they think of as the proper hierarchy in society, and the fact that mutants are being imprisoned by the government/hunted down/whatever makes them exactly that. They're not actually scared because they think/know that they've got everyone

    Because doing that would force you to acknowledge that people who are different than you have equally valid concerns and are just as important, instead of your own concerns being really important and everything else being secondary and overblown. If you think that you're basically at the top of the social hierarchy

    Until the GOP went all in on a campaign to convince everyone that "liberal" meant "stalinist" the word really was used for a fairly conventional let's-not-shake-things-up-too-much center-leftism, which was often accused by the genuine left of mouthing leftist views but somehow never quite seeing an occasion where they

    Ames' plan was bizarre in exactly the way that extremely conventional people can be when they think they're cleverly solving a problem by thinking outside the box. Yes - they can move through multiple fictional worlds created by different belief systems! Definitely use that to gather the tools needed to make it

    Well, to be fair if Gretchen had managed to set off a really big bomb it would have definitely diffused the people and buildings involved in the situation.

    The way American politics and city planning have aggressively segregated neighborhoods by wealth over the last hundred years or so is also an underappreciated source of problems. It's not something people think about much, but there's really nothing inevitable about the idea that all the poor people would have to

    Yes they were both professors who were acting in their capacity as heads of the residential college. So the fact that they taught classes is pretty irrelevant.

    This followed multiple "hey look Yalies in blackface" halloweens. And was in the context of what were actually some real race-related issues on campus. So, yeah, black people being treated badly because they're black counts as that, even when they're being treated badly at Yale. I'm sure from your comment have a

    In some schools at least dorm/houses/whatever have someone working there as an actual job(sort of) in a sort of token-adult student services leader, but it's not the same sort of job that a more normal RA would be doing (there's actual authority involved!).
    There was a whole thing at Yale a while back when one of

    The one thing that baffles me is that Lillian does actually express real worries about the store going up, but she can't stop talking about how change is bad and so on to him instead of "gentrification means that all the people here will have to move somewhere else because they won't be able to afford it anymore and

    Another issue is body composition - on a pound for pound basis women generally have more body fat than men (like, e.g., boobs). And alcohol doesn't spread through fatty tissues the way it does through other ones. So a 120lb woman (usually/statistically/etc) would weigh less than a 120lb man would as far as alcohol