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    To be fair, if they had kept the suicide squad on the show it only would have made the movie look even worse than it already did, and it was pretty awful. The thing was already an embarrassment to everyone involved, but having a CW show airing at the same time that was doing the same thing really, really well would

    I'm pretty sure before they cut away it was clear that Malcolm was egging one of them on so he could get them in between him and the explosion that would result from taking his foot off the landmine. He just needed to get ahold of one of them and then step backwards, either leaving their foot on the mine or just

    Shooting Chase in the foot is fine and all but all I could think during that confrontation was WHERE'S YOUR BOXING GLOVE ARROW NOW?

    He could also have been talking about the extent to which her death was involved in the Wednesday's game overall, which he's also a part of.

    Given that she's pretty clearly at least moderately depressed for most of what we see of her I think there's more than one way to read that line.


    Or "amuse bouche".

    If nothing the reaction to that comment sure makes it look like they do.

    This show is making me think that Hannibal was really a kind of turning point for Bryan Fuller. The dark/dream-like style and emotional complexity of this show, combined with the way the soundtrack sits kind of constantly in the background feels similar (though with a very different tone) - certainly more than it

    Is it even an insult at all? It's certainly not one that comes close to any kind of line.

    She really seems happier as a zombie, though. At the very least the way she's feeling makes sense at that point.

    I thought that as well - also they'd be doing it together, as a couple!

    I had basically the same question and that's a really good answer.

    "Well, actually…"

    You probably don't even want him to make chili for the other characters, do you!

    Oh people use socks as a general example of bad christmas presents and all, but in the middle of winter* is there something better than good, warm, dry socks? Exactly.

    One of the biggest computer security issues on earth is that people are just plain awful about air gapping computers, even when they know it's really important. And I don't know if the aliens were expecting someone in the simulation to be able to hack it enough to generate a message. But even so it's pretty easy to

    Alien Commander: "My Alien God! All we need is to write that book down and then stick a piece of psychic paper showing them whatever they just said on the facing page. This will be the easiest one yet!"

    Plus Trump would probably have assumed that writing down a bunch of numbers and then turning the page to find them there just meant he was so smart he'd managed to figure out what numbers they'd written on the next page.

    She's just starting University, basically, and did move out on her own only to end up back there when it didn't work out (and she's still looking for other opportunities). If it's a reasonable family-ish relationship then it sounds about right to me since that's the point in life where a lot of people have one foot