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    I guess picking the worst pope ever helped with the potential offensiveness of it. I mean, sure the Doctor implied that but hey the actual Pope Benedict IX was, like, way way worse so if people start to believe that rumor instead it's pretty much a net win for the church.

    I'm sad that Capaldi is leaving not just because he's amazing as the Doctor, although he really, really is, but also because having the Doctor be blind does actually have a lot of really interesting possibilities. For now he's carefully making his way around with his fancy sonic glasses helping out a bit (but not

    "Everyone Madoff harmed chose to give their money to someone who was clearly doing something dirt.."
    … except for the ones who were managing money that had more than one beneficiary, like, say, people managing the funds companies would use to pay pensions. And then those funds didn't exist and the people whose

    That really seemed like a body double edited in..

    The Reverend's reactions to Kimmy talking about all the fun things she's doing, like opening doors and walking outside and showering alone was really great. John Hamm really needs to get cast more in comedies more often. He's got a sort of George Clooney thing going on where he does fine in serious dramas, and

    I'm pretty sure they are usually paid better.

    How many people work union jobs now as opposed to when your grandparents were your age?

    "They're not your rescuers! They're your replacements!"
    "Oh my god!"
    "…actually that would explain those weird dead bodies we found floating around when we got here though wouldn't it?"
    "No, no that was something different remember? They were space pirates. We saw something on Fox SpaceNews about it."
    "Right, right

    Ok fine because I have the time* I'm actually going to go ahead and give this ridiculous person their serious answers:
    1. Yeah it is kind of bullshit that you thought it was "ironic" because that's not what irony is.
    (…unless you're a racist)

    Or that the TARDIS translator went with the most comparable word for whatever it was he was saying!

    The same show, yes, but very different eyes…
    (One of those pairs of eyes is a racist who is bad at understanding things, but I'm not saying which one! Oooh I'm enigmatic!)

    The truth is that all politics, and everything else, is identity politics because politics is about people and people have identities and who they are is, for people, sort of central to, um, who they are. It's hard to find a way to use two different descriptions there.

    Bill + Peter Capaldi's Doctor is one of the best combinations I've seen in a really long time. I'm super not happy with the announcement that they're shifting to a new Doctor after this season.

    In my experience "less in their faces about it" mostly means "agrees that it's shameful to be the way they are and/or that they're second class humans when compared to white straight dudes". If they're willing to agree that I'm fundamentally better than them, and that they should be ashamed of themselves then I'm

    The wildly unreasonable bit being, of course, that other people knowing the company did it had a big effect on things: corporations do substantially nastier stuff right now and yet…

    Look if you're going to bring morality into it then treating people as well as you can starts to actually become some kind of "obligation" that you "have to fulfill" and are "bad if you completely ignore in favor of your own personal gratification". That's not how a businessman thinks!

    The real trouble for Archer is that dexedrine is, like, the least uppers-y of the amphetamines. I mean, ok yes it's still amphetamines but from what I can tell of it* it's also the one where if you take it along with a downer of some kind** it just makes you fall asleep. Racemic amphetamine (benzedrine!) or meth

    Maybe - but being essentially kidnapped and beaten up by cops and then held in a secret prison for a while before being actually booked seems like how people get off the hook for potentially serious crimes. And it's especially that way when the best evidence that they did is going to be testimony from the police

    It was a while before anyone knew they were down there, and really they didn't have any reason to believe people would know soon enough for it to make a difference. They didn't have any way of communicating the problem, after all.