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    I was so mad about the Bride of Nine Spiders.

    See, that's fine but it still doesn't convey that because Danny doesn't just move slowly he moves imprecisely. He's doing the right kind of stuff, but we're talking about a character that should be doing that kind of stuff the way, e.g., Jet Li would do it.

    Because you are, literally, a wushu-awesome-kung-fu character in a show about someone who fights that way.

    The way to make him Asian would have been to set the show in Shanghai, and have K'un Lun be a mystical French city in the Alps.

    It's also kind of weird how the language they chose was Mandarin. I mean, ok, K'un lun is a mystical city and not just a place in, you know, Tibet or Nepal, but if they were going to have them speak a language foreign to the place the city shows up why not just have it be, I don't know, French. Or New Jersey

    It's the "antiperspirant" bit of it, yeah. Otherwise you're basically just rubbing nice smelling soap in your armpits.

    Yup - that's actually one of the central bits. He lives a sort of low rent lifestyle in Harlem a lot because (1) sometimes he doesn't have the money and (2) (more importantly) that's where he feels more comfortable.

    Colleen Wing is a weird highlight in the show. She seems like she belongs with the other Netflix shows and nothing else around her does.

    CW superhero show pretty much sums up my impression of it too. It's not just a misstep, it's a bizarre one given how well the other shows managed to get to the core of what made the characters interesting/who they were/etc.

    Margo: Elliot.. please. We need you. The kingdom needs you. Come back to …ah screw it. Ok new plan! We just replace him with this guy Todd that I ..
    Elliot: OK FINE.

    I thought the Island was unexpectedly good for a Michael Bay movie, but I still spent the last quarter of the movie or so shouting at the screen, because the liver is one of the very few organs for which we can do live donations. They just split it up and then within about two months both people have normal sized

    A 1940s remake of a shortly-after-prohibition gangster movie called The Glass Key was, according to Kurosawa, the inspiration for Yojimbo, so I don't know if it even counts as remaking it so much as making another film from the same source material. (Although some people argue it was Red Harvest which is also a

    I'm not even sure the smell is the egg, rather than the coating. I bought ones which had had it cleaned off, so they just looked like eggs with oddly colored shells, and if there was an ammonia smell it wasn't strong enough to be memorable.

    They're not really that pungent either: the yolks do taste like normal egg yolks but more, but that's about it. And the "whites" (translucent purples, I guess) have less flavor than they do in hard boiled eggs.

    And as good as it can be - which is very good - I'm guessing lobster cooked as institutional cafeteria food and served multiple times a week would get intolerable really quickly.

    And packing it in salt (or salt water in some cases) covers most, if not all, of the fermented ones.

    You could do it in terms of East Asian (or West Asian, I guess) ethnic groups. The hero could be Hmong, or Han, or Uyghur, or Yamato, etc. This wouldn't necessarily convey too much to a Western audience, though, and it would come with a lot more specificity too.

    I think there's a lot more to privilege than wealth, though. Race is a big part of it and the thing about race is that it isn't something that goes away if you're rich, even if being rich can significantly affect a lot of the negative consequences of it (like it can with the negative consequences of almost anything).

    "Fist is supposed to be a rich white kid who went towas saved as a child by the inhabitants of a mystical city to learn super kung fufollowing the death of his parents and was raised there, learning kung fu, before he left to go to New York & get revenge."