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    I kind of suspect "the air slows down the transmission of heat" isn't true, mainly because heating the air in between the hot thing and the sensor is how the heat gets from the hot thing to the sensor.

    Wouldn't they need some kind of transmission medium to be able to do that though? I mean, heat doesn't just spread through empty space the way light or radio waves does - that's a big part of why space is so cold and how thermoses work.

    The story I've heard is that the eventual victory of black over green tea in Europe and (especially) America had a lot to do with the expense of shipping it around the world.

    From what I've been able to tell living in Minnesota accents have very little respect for legally defined borders. The Canadian accent that most people think about isn't much different than what you'd hear in the movie Fargo which was not remotely as exaggerated-for-comedic-purposes as people seem to think.

    Hey, we don't know about how the classification works: maybe on Earth 19 they're thinking "Pff, "earth one", losers. Nineteen is way bigger than one."

    Whining that people are just telling you to shut up as opposed to arguing in response to people explaining exactly why you're wrong is part of why people in this thread eventually stopped explaining why you're wrong and started telling you to shut up.

    I definitely got the impression that more than a few of the judges - including Tom - really wanted to go the other way but couldn't find a way to balance it so that that mistake was small enough to be outweighed by the flaws in Brooke's dish.

    Especially when he lost Top Chef while simultaneously having one of the most respected chef's in America stating very clearly, twice, that he thought Sheldon was on the verge of being one of the few truly great chefs.

    Oh hey good point whenever I've used it there's random men in the ladies' rooms pretending to be ladies but clearly men in order to sexually assault children. I mean, that's obviously something that happens and not at all something that people with really creepy issues like to think about when touching themselves.

    Because putting them on constantly, and acting as if what they're saying is worth any debate more civil than one involving kicking them in the nads and then peeing on them as they lay there on the ground whimpering, is a way to avoid being yelled at by them. And because they are cowards.

    The real trouble is that bigotry is a lot harder to explain to little children than older ones. I mean, if you can wait until your kids are in middle school to explain why other people aren't worth as much as they are, and why it's very important to treat them in terrible ways you can do it without too much trouble*

    People act like this would be a big scary change, but actually I have a unisex bathroom right here in my apartment and you'd be surprised how quickly you get used to it.

    No no I think he has a point!

    "Forcing social progress on people creates a backlash and is counterproductive" is an argument that has been used against every single bit of social progress within recorded history. And it has been bullshit Every. Single. Time.

    You do realize that these stories are in response to bigots who are trying to create the laws that would let them do that, right? That's kind of an obvious point, and one that makes what you're saying pretty stupid looking.

    The population of the United States is about 318,900,000.

    Yes but here's the thing: that's not something that actually happens..

    There's nothing bigots desperately want more than to not be understood. Because knowing that you are understood, as a bigot, feels like being in a large room full of people and then having your pants and underpants disappear unexpectedly. All of a sudden everyone knows shameful things about you that you're

    You know, using the phrase "playing politics" is something that tells people a lot about you.

    There were, for questionable reasons on the part of the doctors and parents involved, a couple of prominent cases where due to surgical accidents as babies people ended up being raised as being a different gender from their (chromosomal/genetic) sex.