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    There's really no line between "biological sex is what determines gender" and "there's no such thing as gender only sex". Separating the two is the entire point of having the term in the first place.

    It's worth pointing out here that the mind is as much a part of the body as the dick. And that gender identity isn't something people just sort of learn starting from a blank slate: it's a complicated thing because it's wrapped up in a massive amount of social role stuff about what exactly one gender identity means

    I would want to keep my daughter away from mentally ill men…

    I would almost be sympathetic* to the people falling for that move if it wasn't that the smoke screen was just fucking over smaller portions of the population for the entertainment of the people they're trying to screw over.

    The weirdest bit about it is that gender identity really isn't the same thing as sexual orientation. I mean, sure, some of them probably are attracted to the opposite sex*, but it's a totally separate issue: it's a question of whether or not they are also gay.

    ..straight perverts who try to pass as trans in order to use the wrong one.

    Someone once pointed out to me that a large duffle filled with cash would be indistinguishable from a large duffle filled with books, and as someone who owns a bunch of books and has ever moved from one apartment to another it's hard to watch half the action (and all the heist) movies out there now without thinking

    If anything there'd be more given how we're basically the only predators of deer at this point, and how it's already an ecological problem at this point since there aren't as many people hunting as there used to be.

    From what I can recall they switched over right around the time they tried "New Coke", and there's some speculation that New Coke was partly a way let them make the switch without everyone noticing that Coke suddenly tasted crappier.

    Man. The last time a Democratic president replaced a Republican one he got a Nobel Peace Prize for it. Imagine what the next one will get.

    Also a lot of the policies on that website are things like "We will make there be more jobs by making industrial jobs be like in the 60s by … by … Also we will keep out immigrants!"

    On the triple minus sign he was going to take it to a hockey game and
    clearly doesn't have a carry permit nor is legally allowed to own the
    thing in the first place.

    It's especially dumb because in the real world the NRA has adopted the (pretty good actually but also shameless and, given what's being discussed, evil) strategy of opposing literally any proposed gun control bill whatsoever no matter how toothless or obviously sensible it is*. In the real world whatever empty/silly

    [two episodes later]
    Rene: "His.. wait what? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME IT WAS "HOLT"!? I've been calling him "Hoss" for, like, weeks now. Seriously you guys. Why wouldn't you say something? I feel like such a dick right now."

    The AR-15 is not an assault rifle. It is an assault weapon. The two aren't the same thing at all - and never were intended that way.

    Ollie: "But Susan - how did you even know.."
    Susan: "Ollie seriously you have a Russian mafia tattoo like Right. There. On. Your. Chest. Why would you think that that wouldn't be really obvious!?"
    Ollie: "Well, you know, usually by that point women are too absnotized to notice."
    Susan: "ABSNOTIZED? What in God's name

    It's worse, actually I had to go back to double check it but the sequence of events went:
    1. Rene says he'll get the money from the closet.
    2. He goes in and starts opening the safe to get the gun.
    3. His daughter shows up and startles the dealer.
    4. The dealer knocks the wife to the side and she falls down.
    5. He

    I do kind of love that they managed to actually make a deal* that would make people safer and both sides could respect and also refused to tell us anything about it. I rolled my eyes at the time but the more I think about it the funnier it is.

    Prosecutor: "Your honor this man is an irredeemable offender and threat to society. His list of crimes goes on, and on. We've got Burglary, Arson, Terrorist Threats, Being Late For Work, Murder…"