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    Ollie: "… and that's why we need a registry, and stricter control over guns in this city!"
    Adrian Chase: "..and bows and arrows too."
    Ollie: "I, what? We weren't talking about .."
    Adrian Chase: "Seriously do you know how many people in this city die from being shot with an arrow?"
    Ollie: "Oh, uh, well surely it's not

    I think Rene gets around the problem by never successfully shooting anyone with those ridiculous things.

    I hadn't even thought about that point but that is genuinely hilarious. (My excuse is that I was trying to tune out their gun arguments by that point.) It's nice that the show is as committed to forgetting that storyline as everyone watching it though.

    Anything that stands between someone and suicide - even if it's very very small - makes a big deal in terms of suicide rates*. It's sort of a basic fact about it, and a good sized part of the reason that owning a gun increases the risk of dying by suicide.

    I can understand if the writers want to get a bit political with the show, occasionally, but this was wince inducing. By the end I was trying to fast forward through those bits to avoid hearing them.

    Syd: "I'm so glad we found a way to do this David. It's amazing to experience this."
    David: "It is. I wish we could do it without Ptonomy standing there the entire time though."
    Syd: "Well look, it's that or not do it anymore. Do you want to stop?"
    Ptonomy: "SAY 'YES' FOR GOD'S SAKE SAY 'YES'!!"

    And if Ptonomy can be taken seriously as far as this goes also changing them in the process by sticking herself in there.

    Calling it Legion is the part that is leaving me scratching my head the most. I mean, they're keeping a lot of the essential bits of the character intact and the feel is right as well but the thing that hasn't really shown up is why the reason for the name in the first place. (Maybe it's something we're seeing start

    This really raises all kinds of disturbing questions about how exactly he designed the things. Like, did he somehow have access to detailed naughty photos, or was he just sort of … speculating?

    I'd really like it if she was, and her plan was to use the Framework against SHIELD, only not in a dumb super-villainy way but in a longer-game way that was just pragmatic and effective.

    It does seem like could be easier/more direct options. After all we know the things are made of metal and unless it's loads of very expensive less-structurally-idea there's bound to be something in there that reacts to magnetic fields, even if it's something relatively small. (Or if not that at least something in

    I still can't decide if I think Brooke was trying to match up chefs with sous chefs in a way that undercut the chefs or not.

    They probably all can match up flavors well, but the way flavors play against each other is different. Ingredients can get washed out or muddy in a way they wouldn't when you're cooking wiith them, acidity/sweetness changes a lot with the temperature of the cocktail, there's a different set of techniques involved,

    Well - marrying for romance for royalty is a modern invention. Everyone else was falling in love and getting it on all over the place.

    My guess would be that (1) yes, totally possible to line it up for another shot and (2) how many years do you have?

    This bothered me for a bit, but it kind of makes sense at least in a realistic-physics-but-future scenario.

    None of the things you mentioned they vary on is genetic.
    Also all of the non-height things you listed there are massively affected by social factors, to an extent that - as you'd know if you actually knew any of the science - any genetic influence is completely washed out and impossible to actually detect with any

    If you understood half the science you're flailing about with there you'd also recognize the shallow idiocy of what you're saying, you ridiculous tool. For example you'd notice that the "males have greater genetic variance" stuff (1) is not actually something that has been studied (2) is not something that could be

    You didn't make actual arguments, and the fact that you don't know the difference between actual arguments and the moronic nonsense you're spouting is why I don't waste time treating you as if you did.

    Does this mean that Bulleit is sourced differently now?