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    Of all the underpriced straight whiskies out there I'm pretty sure Old Overholt holds the record for most underappreciated. It's downright great and at a price where it should taste something between ok and poison. (It's not as aggressive a rye as a lot of the more current ones, which I think tricks people a bit.

    This sounds like a bad thing, except (1) they do a really good job with that distillation because those MGP ryes are pretty uniformly great and (2) it's actually a really neat way of seeing what different aging/blending/cutting/processing techniques can do. George Dickel, Redemption, and Bulleit rye whiskey all start

    I think it's just a different sense of edge?

    This is true for a bunch of vodkas, sure, but there are some absolutely magnificent ones as well.

    Absolutely - Old Granddad is by far the most underrated bourbon on the market. My suspicion is that it's because the name is kind of ridiculous, but I'm glad of it anyway because it means I can get a bourbon for just over $20 a bottle that could just as easily be sold for over twice that.

    The aging thing that people are talking about is only a few items down on that list of criteria: it's for Straight Bourbon Whiskey, which is the only kind that's worth drinking (and for the most part the only kind that you'll ever see with the word "bourbon" on it at all - the cheaper blended versions tend to just say

    There are some extraordinary one-off pizzerias that adhere to the strict standards of the Neapolitan style (double-zero flour, buffalo mozzarella, San Marzano tomatoes)…

    Johnny Mnemonic 2: The Revenge of J-Bone!

    I saw it!

    It was a hell of a compliment too, coming from Tom.

    I can sort of believe it given how exhausted they looked the entire episode. Except for Shirley they all kind of looked like they were about to fall over, and she had that sort of frantic thing some people get when they're tired enough that they're having trouble focusing their eyes.

    Do you seriously think I would waste the time treating you as if you were a reasonable participant in an argument? That ship sailed a long, long time ago.

    Don't be an imbecile.

    That's the same moronic column by someone writes for Psychology Today that you posted right up there genius.

    And I think it was something around/after the age of 10 as well, so it's not like the Westermarck effect would kick in.

    ".. also it's here on his resume, under "accomplishments"."

    The military/government may not have issued any press releases about the whole "missing nuclear weapon" thing. The bit where thirty soldiers were killed would be trickier, but it wouldn't be that complicated to make up a cover story and there would sure be an awful lot of motive to do that on the part of literally

    They really couldn't decide what the rags were or how they worked, so they couldn't ever really use them for anything.

    Ollie: "I can't believe you would do something like this!!"

    I really liked this episode, but it did that thing that you see all the time where people have to disarm a nuclear bomb and oh no! how will they do it!?