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    Blindsight is just magnificent. Peter Watts sort of reminds me of Phillip K Dick - not in the themes he deals with, or even in literary style, but they both end up writing novels where it's clear that they have a crazy number of different ideas a lot of which could actually support their own books but which are all

    I'm guessing it doesn't hurt that part of Naomi's reasoning for going along with Holden as captain is that she respects his moral judgment as well. Captain + "well the person I look to for guidance said it's ok to look to this guy for guidance as well" probably covers most of the ground there, especially if there's a

    It's very likely that he would do that if it seemed useful to him, but he looks just as monomaniacal about it as the other scientists so it's probable that he was being completely honest about not caring who is running the thing.

    I would suspect that any projectile weapons intended to be used inside space stations/ships - no matter how deadly - would have some serious work put into making them not shoot through hulls/etc. And given that they're designed to work at very short distances too it's probably not that hard to just make them a lot

    I thought he did a nice job with that scene - his normal flatness dropped away for a second or so right after hitting Miller and you could see the character quickly putting his violence/rage/whatever back under restraint after it broke out.

    Every time Raul Julia wanders onto the screen the movie changes from "this is just… boring bad" to "this movie is amazing".

    It sort of.. doesn't?

    Uwe Boll directs The Godfather Part II.

    Sounds like SOMEONE forgot about the obligatory half hour long shots of people looking nobly at a sunset while dramatic music plays.

    This seems about right to me: drilling is complicated mechanical work and doing it really, really well almost certainly does take a lot of experience (doing it on earth, underwater, and not through completely different materials at close to absolute zero with totally different equipment ok sure but).

    You're just making up nonsense terms now in an attempt to make it seem like you're clever and/or understand a single thing about feminism, or, I guess more simply, a single thing.

    Oh now you're exaggerating. It clearly wasn't the lowest possible response - look at everything you've posted here so far!

    Have you ever had American marmelade? Or tea?


    I'm sorry, did you forget you were pretending not to be a right wing idiot for a minute there?

    In that it's a mystical place, yeah. But in that he's a 10 year old?

    If right wing idiots didn't have projection, they really wouldn't have anything at all, would they.

    I think it's potassium.

    Wait hold on did they have the opportunity in the sense of "neither of those people are dead at the moment" or in, like, some really serious way?

    I'd love to believe this, but it's only going to be true if the show actually manages to capture it.