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    And every single one of them is The Shadow.

    If "learned martial arts somewhere else" is all it takes to be literally Arrow then boy do I ever have some news for you about how many Arrow shows/comics/books/anything there is out there.

    I think the bit where he's like nine years old marks a pretty significant difference from Dr Strange.

    Also the "Alive" version of martial arts would make for a very.. different kind of television show.

    And in this story that place is… New York?

    Hey this guy's got a point! You sheeple need to listen to him!

    You do realize how stupid it is to talk about the government taking power away from the powerful individuals in society and investing it in a democratic structure as a kind of aristocratic approach right?

    Yeah sorry but no.

    "…the glaringly obvious fact that the popular mood and the government in power determines what's right at the moment."

    He literally titled his show a euphemism for "acting like a dickhead".

    That's not the definition of bigotry.

    Look it's really simple: true noble patriots hate communists and nazis. Communists are evil authoritarians who are socialists and the nazis who hated them were evil murderous authoritarian bigots and socialists who wanted to kill all the leftist people who are opposed to evil murderous bigotry. Leftist people who

    He can be two things!

    The truth is if the people who ask that kind of question were capable of learning anything from that research in the first place they wouldn't be asking the question.

    "HA HA JUST COMPLETELY SERIOUS!!" has been the style of right wing creeps since before anyone capable of commenting here was born. The extent to which people who are into right wing politics are incapable of managing any other kind of humor is one of their most distinctive and charming features.

    Don't forget when he started calling out vaccines! We hated that too!

    The "battle of ideas" isn't actually a thing. If it was it was won decades ago by people pointing out that racism and authoritarianism were bad, and that racism and authoritarianism look like exactly the kind of thing the entire Republican party is built on.

    Another part of it was outright shutting down massive parts of society, closing off basic infrastructure, and generally making things unworkable for everyone else until people accepted that things had to change.

    It seems like there's an obvious point here about what the word "right" means.

    Opposed to direct government interference with speech AND not only having any kind of standards for evaluating it but being willing to admit to them in public!?