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    At this point it's enough of a pattern that you'd think chefs would practice getting around it before going on the show.

    "There's other cities in the US than New York that have things happen to them."

    The extended version makes so much more sense than the theatrical cut while being just as fun that it's really sad they didn't just go with the extended version entirely. Actually getting to see that the T-1000 is glitching/breaking down near the end makes that kind of thing way more obvious.

    Those scenes still annoy me: tequila and soda doesn't even really need any real mixing if you don't big pieces of ice keeping the two from moving freely - just pouring one of them into the other would be fine if you're just putting roughly equal parts into a rocks glass. All he's doing is throwing half his drink out

    I'm a fan of just putting them right on (gas) range itself over a high flame for a few seconds. They aren't as soft as other ways of heating them up but you get a pretty great texture and also a bit of char to the flavor which is nice as well.

    Given the way the show is edited it's entirely possible that they did do that - run the entire challenge, have them come back to stand in front of the judges for the verdict, and then interview them about what they were thinking during it and cut that in so it looks like it's all happening at once.

    I don't know why they even put a big button there aside from being clever looking: it's pretty clear that either the chefs didn't actually think much of it and might literally have just ignored that part of the challenge entirely if they hadn't been told to hit the button by the producers when setting it up, or that

    I thought the radish challenge was great too. One of the most grating things about a lot of Top Chef seasons, particularly the earlier ones, was the extent to which the chefs seemed incapable of thinking about a dish in any way other than "a piece of meat or fish cooked in a basic/boring way with something kind of

    You'd think that it couldn't be, but that's the magic of the movie.

    And even if it wasn't it's not like Africa is some untouchable mystery and she had to have been living out of contact with all western civilization or anything. That village could easily have been an hour's drive from Johannesburg or Cairo or something, which would put you out of contact with the rest of the world to

    She had been living as a trained assassin within the Legion of Shadows, which certainly didn't show any compunction about killing off its own members, for more than a few years at that point. Maybe she just assumed that, you know, people killing each other was sort of a normal thing that didn't really need that much

    I especially liked that they were actually standing there directly in the way of where the truck needed to go.

    Also the way Cold keeps talking to him and then disappearing is just him quickly running around the corner, jumping behind furniture and so on whenever Mick gets distracted or looks away.

    Rip: "And why didn't you come sooner!? I left you so many clues - the three movies, the television adaptation, the radio plays, my God, there was even a comic book!"
    Sarah: "Um, we kind of already knew about those things before we met you. I mean, they were in like the 60's and 70's. We just assumed that's where you

    Also Thawne successfully managed to adjust his body-stealing device so that it didn't kill Stein because…. um… wait why did he care about not killing Stein again?

    If the resolution to the Lily thing is that Lily just doesn't matter one way or another to the world I think that would be hilarious and perfect.

    I could believe it from Vixen and certainly from Jax, but you'd think at least Mick would have the basic sense to break one of Thawne's legs or something.

    Thawne: "…. the Spear of Destiny!"
    Malcolm: "You mean, the porno? I mean, it's not a bad one by any means but do we really need a map?"
    [awkward pause]
    Malcolm: "Damien was telling me about it the other day."

    Metahuman Super-Villain Jesus would be the greatest thing ever.