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    Also Mars just plain isn't big enough to have a breathable atmosphere. It's a lot smaller than Earth and doesn't have enough gravity to that air in place with enough density to be useful for us. A lot of that air that gets released would have just sort of kept going until it was too diffuse to breathe.

    One of the interesting things about PKD is that his books are crammed so full of things that making movies out of novels he wrote is almost futile: even the best ones have to eliminate two thirds of the book right from the start*. A Scanner Darkly is one of the most stripped down ones, and even then I think Linklater

    He dreams of someone - but if it's in his head there's no reason that the fact that they look the same means anything more than that his already existing memories of those dreams were filling in the gaps of the implanted memories. That would have to be true when implanting memories anyway, right?

    [Kara walks onto bridge of Waverider]
    Kara: "Hey guys! Is there coffee around here somewhere?"
    Stein: "Wait, where did you…."
    Kara: "Oh - Mick invited me over! We were up all night just.. talking!"
    Mick: "And I Pounded her. I like it when they're strong!"
    Kara: [boops him on the nose].

    I think Showgirls gets a bad rap because people assume he isn't deliberately undercutting what the movie initially looks like it's supposed to be doing like he is in Robocop* or Starship Troopers**. Look - the guy made a movie where Gina Gershon and Elizabeth Berkley and like fifty other people walk around somewhere

    Having a green lantern show up and basically treat the entire Dominators/Reckless-time-travel stuff as a noise complaint would be amazing.

    You know, the elephant has one of the most effective spin kicks of all the animals*.

    If they're going with Spartan as a codename it should really be a big spear and a shield and also he has to wear a leather skirt and murder helots.

    I thought the rooftop fight was kind of hilarious: "We need to plant one of these on each dominator in order to subdue/incapacitate them! So here's the plan: step one beat them all up and knock them unconscious, step two stick these things on them. It's foolproof!"

    I hope she does call him. They would make a cute couple.

    The problem is definitely the helmet. The whole thing is sort of goofy looking, but the helmet makes head look like a mushroom.

    Every time Stein pissed off Jax he could go find her and make out while they were in Firestorm mode!

    It also makes no sense in that you'd expect - if anyone at all - someone who already knows about the pitfalls of time travel to know not to leave ambiguous warnings about anything. A sensible warning would have looked more like "On September 3rd between the hours of 2 and 3:30 PM when the following eighteen

    Police union.

    Savitar: "HA HA Flash! You think you have the strength to harm
    [removes mask]
    Iris: "ME!"

    Definitely - and it's not like we haven't seen other metas whose actions were motivated out of desperation regarding the effects of their powers. Barry had no problem with defeating/imprisoning/just straight up murdering people who were doing stuff like that before.* It's just that this time it's a friend of his so

    I prefer to believe he just thought: "Jesus this woman is completely divorced from reality, I'll just type a bunch of nonsense here into the computer and then give her the names of our biggest suspects or something."

    I like the idea of watching them bumble around while HR tries to explain really obvious things to them.

    Don't worry - he'll just go back in time to fix it so he can keep his job.

    This does raise all kinds of questions about why Barry was actually working as a crime lab technician at all, I mean, after the first season. But I'm guessing that the answer is that he's just not that bright and Cisco and Caitlin weren't about to explain to him that he could help himself to the income that they were