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    I like how each episode starts with Barry proclaiming that he is the fastest man alive and then he has to deal with a villain (even if only indirectly) who is faster than him. He can't even introduce himself accurately.

    There's something really bizarre about how Caitlyn just sort of turns evil without much in the way of explanation, or at least no more than "she really believed that having the powers would turn her evil so she turned evil". You'd think that of all people Cisco could have reassured her by saying something like "Ok,

    Oh, you can say "I secretly pee in other people's showers when I visit them and they think I'm using the toilet because it gives me a thrill", but do you really? It's questionable statements like that that make people think you're unreliable.

    Luckily they do match them then!


    Oh, you say that now but were you saying that then when you said it then?

    … he said, after writing pages of racist invective.

    But why would I do that when those are things you clearly wrote?

    … he said, immediately after saying that he was just writing what he wants, not necessarily responding to other comment writers.

    The quotes are because I'm quoting you. That is the statement you made, word for word.

    Depends on the mosque, same as it depends on the church or synagogue.

    My god. We've regressed a whole … three generations? If that?

    "Future incarnations" is being pretty unwarrantedly generous here. We have one right now that ruled that the 15th Amendment was unconstitutional because the conservative minority thought it was unfair that black people got to vote. Integrity left the room a long time ago.

    No look you don't understand: it's either not being ok with throwing people off of roofs, or not being ok with putting people in camps. You can only choose one of them.

    Realistically this should be "…continued to be seriously wrong with America."

    That's…. optimistic.

    People don't like thinking about things that aren't happy, and so they pretend that fights are over just because the wrong side isn't quite as loud at the moment.

    Actually torture works brilliantly well.

    The sad truth is that they never actually were settled. The civil war never ended in America; it just got less official.

    That's a good response, but also I heard that your mother is a whore. Is that true?