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    There's something endearingly ridiculous about the extent to which a bunch of basically-the-KKK-but-without-the-balls-for-it right wing loons have decided that they desperately need to defend the honor of Bernie Sanders.

    Mostly they just give us an opportunity to enjoy watching actually intelligent, or decent, or minimally capable people tearing their nonsense into little pieces.

    …. he said, responding to someone.

    "I demand as the price of my not being super racist that Muslims speak out against other people doing bad stuff who also happen to be muslim but who are otherwise unrelated to them!!"

    One of the jokes about this pathetically racist drivel is that China has a centuries old history of relationships with African countries, and is actually pretty heavily invested in Africa right now. Good luck with that one, large world war.

    "When I heard about something bad that happened to someone I didn't understand it or really appreciate it. That's the problem George Takei has when he says that it's bad that innocent people were put in camps because of racism, like he was. I know he's wrong about this because of my personal…um… my.. because [insert

    Try to keep an open mind!

    I'm confused: are you trolling or are you trying to make people feel better by reminding them how much better they are than idiots like you?

    Literally no one is fooled when you use "we" in this kind of comment. No one. Not even people who want to agree with you. Not even people desperately searching for some way to attribute hypocrisy to other people to avoid having to admit to themselves what they are. Not even people hoping against hope that if they

    Oh no! An us-against-them mentality!

    Yes, us cityfolk have no experience of diversity or encountering anyone unlike us. Not like small town rural people, who are cosmopolitan and have first hand experience of other cultures. Moron.

    There was a brief moment where they didn't feel safe in admitting exactly what they were in public. Then the press went back to jerking off about how his opponent had used the wrong email address, the moment passed, and they were safe again.

    Oh no! Division! There might be division! We must all be nicer to come together: non-white people together with white supremacists; violent bigots, cowards, and authoritarian shits together with minimally decent human beings!

    It seems pretty damn obvious to me that when the "bubbles" involved are "people who spend time in cities/etc. and interact with respectfully with people of different cultures, religions, sexual identities, races, and so on" and "people who have only ever interacted with people just like them and are violently averse

    Well, since they're bad people who want to do evil things defeating them would prevent them from doing those evil things, which would be good.

    Diggle: "Don't worry the killer isn't here you're safe - now get out of here! Go! Go!"

    Jax: "…until they did it to me I didn't realize that dehumanizing, violent beatings are awful!"

    They shied away from it at least a bit. I mean, "you looked a lady in the eyes and held her hand and talked back to me publicly" didn't mean you were going to get a beating at the time. Heck, in the South it didn't even mean that in the '50s.

    The show has been awfully coy about what exactly fire does to people in that fictional universe. The way Mick's gun and Firestorm's fireballs affect people you'd think they were a lot like nerf balls or that getting burned had more or less the same physical effects as being shoved.

    Looks like you're doing it by not contesting kobomac's obvious point.