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    See analogy above re:The Sudan.

    That's… not the kind of romanticism that gets you what the show was doing. Not even remotely. The stuff you're describing on their part is interest and gory stories, sure, but not romanticism. (Interestingly Americans were totally taking on native customs and running off to join them all the time, so they really

    Taken, Drag Me To Hell, Sucker Punch, and Casino Royale (feat. naked ball whipping torture!) along with the last twenty five years of Bond movies were rated PG-13. All of them.

    I will forgive the show a lot of things if next season the genocidal villain they're trying to destroy is Wolfgang Puck, played by Wolfgang Puck.

    But why!?

    Not to mention the weirdness of the kid being obsessed with The Wild West at a time when The Wild West was mostly just "a lot of shitty villages with poor people in them and occasional marauding Native Americans."

    I prefer to think that she didn't beat him in a drinking contest (because seriously that is ridiculous).

    I didn't even know I needed this until I read this comment.

    Martin: "Hey guys - I saved HG Wells as a kid!"

    It still bothers me that Ray doesn't seem at all bothered by that later on.

    Or even just if they had the money to hire smarter writers who would realize that using it as a tool for things makes more sense than just treating it like a stick with a boxing glove on the end.

    The more I watch this show the more I want to believe that Rip Hunter picked them not because their disappearance wouldn't change things that much*, but because each of them was instrumental in some way in Vandal Savage's rise to power.

    "They're going to have a new season of Legends of Justice."
    "That's good!"
    "But it's going to have the same cast."
    "That's bad."
    "But it's going to have a new character!"
    "That's good!"
    "That character is Snapper Carr"
    "Oh fuck you."

    Jonaliver Hunter?

    I hadn't thought about this, partially because of how many other dumb things there are, but it is really weird.

    People never appreciate how much literally almost every single place on earth and also a lot of other planets too looks exactly like Vancouver. I mean, some it looks like Southern California too, I guess, but most places are basically just Vancouver with different accents.

    That bit was kind of … fucked up. I had to go back to make sure that that's what had happened.

    If you think about it Kendra really should have been more depressed about meeting her future self.

    A true evil cowboy would never go back on his word. That's how you know he's evil: Rip Hunter/etc. totally would, because of how heroic they are, but an evil cowboy's word is his bond because of his untrustworthiness.

    Rip: They are the deadliest of assassins, we could really be in a lot of trouble. They have big space guns and armor that protects them from any harm.
    Jax: Is there any way to defeat them?
    Rip: I don't know - it's said that the only way to defeat one is to hit him with a stick.
    [awkward pause]