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    No that would have been impossible because, um, his powers work better at night? Anyway it would have been impossible.

    I think it had to be a small hole in the painting that we didn't see her making (for whatever reason. What we saw through the camera looked like it was being shot through a circular hole, which wouldn't have been true if it was through the weave in canvas.

    She would have to buy a new phone pretty frequently at that point, right?

    Not to mention the drug abuse which is only going to make things worse as the stress continues to ramp up.

    I have midwestern relatives and this line always cracks me up.

    I think you're failing to appreciate the phrase "on all sides", which would mean four.

    They could also have someone there to monitor everyone.

    For a sane rating agency, yeah, that would absolutely be true. But the MPAA has a history of preferring it that way to fun sexy nudity. We desperately need a new rating system just because the one we have now makes no sense in its categories ("everyone"; "everyone over 13"; "everyone over 17 unless someone over 17


    This is absurd. Of course they should allow texting in theaters. They should just separate it off a bit to prevent it from interfering with people who don't text when they're at the movies - like the way smoking sections used to be separated off from non-smoking sections.

    BvS is absolutely making money hand over fist right now though.

    That could be, though at that point it's probably R-rated-for-marketing-purposes or something, because it wouldn't be hard to edit that scene in a way that would clearly be MPAA-ok as far as sexualized violence goes.

    Violence is usually ok with the MPAA though (Taken and The Dark Knight were both PG-13). If they emphasize the extent to which it's not fun-violence but actual no-really-violence-is-bad violence then… maybe?

    Whoever is running the DC movies really is demonstrating an impressive level of either incompetence or just mercenary cynicism*.

    I'm trying to remember what in The Killing Joke would actually get the movie an R rating in the first place, unless it's just that the always creepy MPAA reacts differently to animated violence than actual filmed violence. Usually it's sex (particularly if the woman is shown enjoying it), too much profanity, or just

    This seems right to me. I also suspect that Ragnar's reputation for being a few steps ahead of someone else might not be entirely accurate: he's certainly a step or two ahead a lot of the time, but I don't know if there's reason to think that's always true even in cases where he pulls something really impressive out

    Elektra: "As I did stand my watch upon the building
    I look'd toward seventh avenue, and anon, methought,
    The wood began to move."
    Stick: "Liar and slave!"
    Elektra: "Let me endure your wrath, if't be not so:
    Within this three blocks may you see it coming;
    I say,

    Don't forget "Narnia except with realistic godlike figures (meaning: nasty little shits) instead of mystic loving lions and carefully maintained silence about how a lion-diety works out in a place where the animals are all sentient and capable of speech."

    This is exactly right.

    Foggy: "Your honor and members of the jury, my client has done some horrible things it's true. But his admission marks a genuine acceptance of his own guilt and a willingness to pay for what he has done so I ask you to show mercy when sen…"
    Frank: [Breaks out of jail]