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    "Whoa - where did all these ninjas come from!?"

    They also did an awful lot of "if you don't answer my questions we'll arrest you for obstructing justice and then where will you be, eh?"*

    There could have been a really funny running gag there too, which would have saved at least some of the courtroom scenes from being so utterly wrong about how things worked. Foggy keeps planning things out right and making the right plays and then Frank torpedoes each one every time he does.

    "When I knew Frank Castle he brutally murdered thirty dangerous soldiers single handedly."

    Does magic ninja resurrection count as a hospital?

    … how is it possible that no one has noticed these ninja when they operate so openly and aggressively?

    Raul Julia wasn't!

    I was just surprised they didn't go with "give it to us and in return we'll give you not destroying everything you own are you serious you saw what we can do right there come on dude." It seems like that would work better, at least as an opening offer. If it didn't then maybe go with the fake offer, but it's a lot

    Neither of them showed much in the way of quick thinking there, since Giyere could just as easily have snatched it from Fitz's hands once he revealed that he's taken it and put it right back in the gun.

    If it ends with him being eaten by a flock of birds I will laugh so hard.

    They didn't even bother to put the pokeball in an area without lots of random physical objects in it for him to throw around. Or put everything away in locked up cupboards like you would in, um, a plane.

    Hey - she played Chun Li in Street Fighter!

    Steel is made by adding carbon to iron. I think at some point the connection has to break, or he'd be almost incapable of moving anything.

    Eventually if you push it that far (in either direction) it just turns into "can't move anything" or "can move everything". If the "dead thing -> chemical reaction taking thousands of years -> petroleum -> another complicated set of processes -> plastic" connection is enough I don't know how much on earth is going to


    He's going to feel so dumb when he learns that that's all you need to do now.

    Wait, so if he can move objects around (just not living bodies) can't he just move people's clothing around and carry them along with it/freeze them in place/whatever? He does it to Coulson's hand so we know he has enough power to make it work.

    It didn't help that taverns were selling it for close to the same prices (and in the same amounts) that they were selling beer. Selling gin in pint glasses for not too much money is a pretty solid recipe for social disfunction.

    I think he should interrupt TV once a week or so and give out spoilers on whatever episode of television he's interrupting that very day, just to taunt people.

    I kind of hope that he takes the opportunity to toss out a bunch of spoilers at a press conference too, just for fun.