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    Just because that giant chair thing floats doesn't mean it's good at stairs.

    They're a pretty neighborhood specific law firm - I mean, the sort that draws from a relatively tight knit community rather than from all across the city. So a general belief among the police/other lawyers/whatever in the area that the DA will absolutely go after you if Nelson/Murdock are your lawyers and there won't

    "a prize the prosecution had to win" is kind of the point of the 'beyond a reasonable doubt' rule, though. They really do have to prove the point against a presumption of innocence - the trial doesn't start with "we don't know what happened" it starts with innocence and then the prosecution works to change that.

    I think by the time it's actually a superhero comic starring Frankenstein's monster (and there's actually more than one - but this movie was a specific adaptation of that one comic) that it's fair to say that it is actually a superhero movie. I mean, short of "superhero means tights and noble facial expressions"

    It… kinda is actually.

    They really weren't very good at it though. If you can make it into the kitchen you don't just eat a couple things off the trays before they go out! Just standing around snacking until you're caught is what you do when you're stuck in the actual party rooms. If you can make it in to the kitchen (and out quickly,

    Union rules* say that each ninja gets a fifteen minute break every three hours of ninjaing, and all deadly fights must be supervised by a mutually agreed to mediator with mandatory after fight assessments provided by their immediate supervisors, and any addition of weapons or vigilantes when it comes to the people

    I think this one was bad enough that even non-lawyers would care. I mean, there's "Ok that's not how it would work procedurally"/"If an actual judge allowed that the whole thing would be overturned and the appeals court's decision would just be a photo of a piece of dog poo" problems, and people will ignore that kind

    It was a nice confirmation of the fact that despite the battle magic looking cool and all they're clearly all still fixated on the idea that magic is the solution to all their problems. (The fact that it is very much not that even though they think so is appropriate enough, though.) Guns are a lot easier and more

    Midori is far worse. But that's only because they were drinking the one type of triple sec that doesn't taste like bad orange syrup*, namely Cointreau (which also has "triple sec" on the label - and the square brown bottle is the giveaway). That's actually not that bad to drink straight, even if it is kind of bitter.

    "And with the help of newly arrived "foreign exchange" student Adric they…"


    Or that barista is a super respected very high paid profession in their DCU television whatever.

    I couldn't help but laugh at how he just sort of stopped dragging the gun any closer and tried to fire it with his feet. Dude, just pull it over to where you can pick it up and freeze that pipe or something. There's no need to escalate to cutting off your own hand.

    Yeah - as someone who knows a bunch of academics the idea that someone could just wander in and get a job at what looked like a relatively prestigious college like that is deeply insane. Even if he could somehow fake having an advance graduate degree, usually academic specialties are all very small and references are

    According to the CPI Inflation Calculator $10,000 in 1958 has the equivalent buying power of $82,045.33 today.

    In some ways the funniest part about the endless "GOD'S NOT DEAD" screaming from that particular branch of Christianity isn't that a central point of their faith is that he was, actually, at one point but isn't right now (so the problem of him being dead is…unspecified). It's that the line from Nietzsche is about how

    I think it's a lot older than the last few years - or at least the "I'm opposed to anti-racist stuff because like MLK I dream of a time when no one is treated badly due to the color of their skin [meaningful look implying that they themselves are treated badly due to being white all possible evidence to the contrary]"

    Weirdly that opinion isn't nearly as wrong as half the noble-MLK stuff you hear, even from liberals. It's really only mildly exaggerated, and with a bunch of condemnation tossed in for the fact that he thought and did the stuff that people respect him for now.

    Almost every Ethics course at a college level starts out with a "WHERE'S YOUR GOD NOW!? [He's in the hallway not in this classroom just shut up about him seriously ok?]" week. What's weird is that unlike in Biology or any number of other disciplines it actually tends to work.