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    There's also the 'denying christ three times' bit, though, which is probably the reason for picking that name.

    Philosophy doesn't tend to touch on that kind of thing until you get pretty far into the weeds ("now let's talk about voluntarism versus realism!"). Even the arguments-for-god stuff is pretty much specific-monotheist-doctrine neutral. You wouldn't see the Bible/Torah/Koran/Whatever show up in one at anything

    From what I can see of his performance in the trailer what he's doing is having the time of his life.

    It would be especially hard when talking about The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I dunno - if you look at the weirder militia groups in the US (see also: Cliven Bundy) it's clear that 'playing army' is probably their biggest spending priority. Add that to the fact that you really can pick up goofy stuff at military surplus stores (especially since they're now online) and it could add up to a

    Weellll… we have seen them straight up kidnap people. So I'm guessing..yes?


    Well how else is his mom going to get those cigars?

    Well, sure but those public spaces didn't have dogs in them did they.

    Also it made more sense of them tracking down ancient Gods and so on - "oh they all moved to New York, I mean, rural France is boring" feels kind of bizarre when you're talking about this kind of stuff.

    OJ being guilty of killing his wife and OJ having been framed aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.


    And a DA probably could go a long way towards shutting down a private law office, if it was a small one that focused on defending people in court. "We'll target any client of yours and treat them way more aggressively than we would any other defendant and also we'll quietly let people know that this is how it works"

    The "wets vs drys" fight in the early 1900s was a really huge deal, too, even leaving aside the social problems alcohol was causing. And some of it genuinely was one powerful social element (saloons - which really were centers of political life at the time*) fighting with another powerful social element (churchs -

    There's also a bunch of general cultural rules in play for the actors that can push them towards that stuff*. Casting actors is just like hiring anyone for a job, except with a relatively tight knit community. Actors who say 'no' to serious offers a lot can get a reputation for being, well, actors who say 'no' to

    Also it was recent enough that we can easily document all the stuff about how it started out. For all we know there was even more insane and openly dishonest stuff scattered throughout early Christianity, but (at the very least) most of it got lost or wasn't really written down at all or whatever. And so it's not

    I think it's probably less to do with whether or not they're trying to deliver a message (lots of movies are) or whether or not the viewer agrees with it, but whether it's being delivered in a way that makes it dishonest that's key to something's being propaganda. (Because "propaganda" is usually read as a morally

    "Barry - it turns out I'm dying without my speed. Also if you give me a bunch of yours we'll still both be slower than Zoom like we are right now but we can work together to defeat him which we can't do right now."

    Boss: "No you have to do this thing that you don't want to I'm ordering you to."
    Employee: "But… look do you want to go out on a date with me?"
    Boss: "Sure!"
    HR Director: "I'll just pencil you guys in for a meeting right now. Is Thursday ok?"