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    Hey! Maybe that was part of the costume there as a disguise!

    You'd think being defeated in a fight by Ollie, a guy with literally no metahuman powers who uses arrows*, would clue Barry in to the fact that he probably needs at least one other way to address situations than "running really fast around them". I mean, just carrying a medium sized stick with him or something would


    "So… do you want us to put him in the secret illegal murder prison with the other ones?"
    "Yeah, that sounds fine."

    My first reaction when trajectory showed up was "Oh come on - is he ever going to be faster than anyone else?"

    dark knights?

    Of course after rethinking that joke I would absolutely one hundred percent watch the hell out of a Hulk Investigates White Collar Crime show.

    Bullock has never exactly been portrayed as the.. cleanest cop. Even for Gotham he's pretty tarnished - his biggest virtues seem to be that he's actually pretty competent and that he's loyal as all get out. Covering for something illegal his partner did would be like the least surprising thing possible coming from


    He did ask Bullock, who confirmed that. But then when he looked at the report it said nothing about any trace at all, so he assumed Bullock was covering for him (which given Bullock probably wasn't an unreasonable assumption). The reason the report didn't say anything about a (fictitious) trace is because Nygma

    Yeah - but the bar there sits at somewhere around "didn't know what he was actually doing" for an insanity defense. (And even in cases where that's at least a plausible case it almost never works.)

    4 - There was what looked like an alarm system or security monitor in the house (it was up near the corner next to the ceiling behind Karen when she went up the stairs, I think). They probably showed up in response to that, though I have no idea if it was the Chaste, the Blacksmith guys or people from the DA's office

    Somehow I suspect that it will not actually be a very different take on a companion, given how many takes there have already been.

    I was just sad she didn't get out of that situation by herself. I mean - think about it. She's in an older model car (less effective drivers seat airbags, if any). She's driving. The passenger is looking at her rather than the road (and turned slightly to the side to boot), and the gun is positioned so that any

    Yeah - I'd guess what we saw was a younger/kinder Stick* who rescued one rather than just kill her immediately, took her back for study/whatever in the hopes of getting a weapon to use against the Hand (like with Murdock), and screwed up by getting attached before it became clear how unsuited she probably was for

    It's also possible that they just didn't really care much. Right up until they start trying to end the world with mystical super weapons (or whatever) they're just a kind of yakuza affiliated gang who like ninja LARPing and are in some kind of long running tiff with a smaller group of people who also like to play

    This is the explanation that I like best. He had a really good reason not to go to a drug deal between three recognizable and very dangerous looking gangs once he realized that someone who knew him very well and could recognize him from a distance was hanging out where they were meeting.

    And it's often about things that the woman knows a lot better, and it's something people do in place of actually paying attention to what she's saying. It's a term for the "no seriously if you want to know [thing about how life is in some respect] then you need to listen to the people who are affected, not reason

    Yeah but it's a word for a particular kind of patronizing behavior, and one that is kind of important to be able to pick out specifically.

    I guess they do serve bullshit at that cafe after all. It wasn't just Karen.

    Yeah - I took that to mean he was starting to think "Ok, that was not something normal and there's something going on there," in a way that's likely to lead to him eventually figuring out who Daredevil is.