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    If they hadn't done such an amazing job with Daredevil and Jessica Jones I'd be working from the assumption that Iron Fist would be awful. But they really did do an incredible job with those ones, and due to really taking the characters seriously more than anything else. So now I'm (a little) hopeful.

    There's a good chance that it will be the weakest of the four, but I don't think it's necessarily for that reason. Iron Fist isn't more obscure than Luke Cage, and both are more well known than Jessica Jones by far.

    "I've found their weakness! It's being kicked right in the face!"

    It doesn't hurt that Reeves is, apparently, actually pretty good with firearms, even if it was just learning for John Wick.

    Well… his fighting anyway. There's a lot more than ninjutsu in his fighting (more boxing than anything else directly recognizable), if there is any in the first place.

    I also really like the way they're doing the eyes. In the first costume they just came off as weird, but here they've changed them a little and been shooting them from some pretty careful angles and it comes off really well. A lot of the time they're either catching a reflection, or against backlighting, or

    I think he mentioned something about calling in a big favor for her, so it's possible that he was getting the cops to call in so he could convince (or whatever it is when you're calling in a big favor) their superior to assign her protection.

    In this case even if you do know it he's a pretty shitty friend.

    I… just realized that after reading that. That's kind of brilliant. I was still confused about the sand up till that point.

    I'm still amazed at how comic book stuff in popular culture has gone from "obscure-ish" through "mainstream stuff" and into "serious exploration of things" within like ten years. It's like the universe giving me a present that I never saw coming.

    He might not always enjoy it, or think of it as a thing he does because he enjoys it. But yeah it's pretty clear that on some level he really, really enjoys it, and sometimes he's pretty explicitly working out his frustration at other things on some poor person's face.

    The idea that she just sort of helped herself to it is kind of hilarious.

    I was furiously scribbling notes about Mr. Nesbitt and his Irish
    mafia—trying to think up jokes about how ridiculously stereotypical it
    is to have a group of Irish gangsters chowing down on corned beef,
    cabbage, and whiskey…

    "So this is what you do Elektra? You run around murdering people and that's it?"
    "Oh no, no sometimes I take a break and work as a prostitute."

    The show certainly implies that Foggy is way more diligent at stuff and, for all that Matt is super lawyer smart, almost certainly a way better lawyer. You're right that it would be nice if the show actually explicitly acknowledged this a bit more explicitly.

    They do have the openly admitting on the record that he murdered dozens of people thing…


    Also I'm not sure if you can just call the Avengers.

    Or they could just call the cops.

    He would have just exercised his fifth amendment rights.