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    I prefer to think that that was Car, a previously unknown member of the Chaste.

    It's especially bad when you know that the reason for it might be that your best friend for most of your life and your legal partner is letting you down is that he's gotten himself murdered (which Foggy has been clearly freaking out about for the entire season). It's not just that he was put in a genuinely terrifying

    I really did like the way the story was clearly wildly counterproductive only in practice would have been seen that way by most people.

    "Karen it's not what you think.."

    I was really hoping that at the least the DA would try to pose some kind of objection. You're really not supposed to be giving five minute speeches directed at the jury when questioning witnesses, even when they are hostile ones.

    And like half his roles, to be honest. At this point I think every time "gruff senior military officer" shows up in a script every casting director in Hollywood just goes "Hey get me Clancy Brown's agent". It would get annoying after a while except really he's actually pretty great at it.

    I did kind of want Murdock to say "Well, yeah but it's supposed to be a one-off thing. That's sort of the point. You can't just have everyone doing it."

    It's just the law of the conservation of ninjutsu. Once Murdock has to face Nobu all of a sudden he's outclassed.

    I hadn't even noticed that. That's amazing.

    I definitely think that was a big part of her viewpoint on it.

    I spent this and the next two episodes or two wanting to yell at Matt every time he was on screen: You have a job! People depend on you! Stop playing with ninjas and do your goddamn work!

    I've always loved the idea that while Matt's enhanced senses mean that he can sort of see things, or at least a lot of things if not all of them (like the tape in the hospital), it doesn't really convey space the same way to him that vision does to other people.

    I love how they're accurately portraying the extent to which his drive to be Daredevil often ends up causing Matt to be a real dirtbag to his friends.

    In the middle of the night with a smoke bomb having gone off nearby dashing back and forth at a half running pace while ducking up and down and the most they're above the wall is about two thirds of their heads showing at what is at best an awkward angle? Snipers aren't magicians here.

    Law students aren't really graduate students in the standard sense, though. And even when there is graduate student housing it doesn't look like an undergraduate dormitory. Showing up on the first day and discovering who you'll be spending the year sharing a room with is a pretty undergraduate sort of experience..

    Was Karen using a Uni-ball Signo 151 in the interview with the public defender? That's kind of a crazy bit of pen-nerdery to be throwing in there in the background.

    No kidding - genuine unconsciousness after a head injury is super f***ing dangerous. If it's anything like "minutes" long you'd be lucky to get out of that without serious cognitive damage.

    Law schools don't generally have dormitories, so…

    All I could think during the Karen/Matt makeout scene was how insanely amazing Karen's hair was, but also that in real life that scene would almost certainly have had her getting some in her mouth and having to short of spit it out again about every ten seconds.

    "And that's why I declared war on criminals. They're scum! They killed my family so they all deserve to die!"
    "But that guy there wasn't a criminal. I know him. He worked at the Chipotle two blocks that way."
    "… Criminals and Irishmen."
    "Irishmen killed your…"
    "Filthy Irishmen!! God I hate them and their stupid