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    In a fictional universe with massive amounts of alien technology already scattered across the world from a massive number of different cultures, and one where T.O. Morrow, Will Magnus, and Professor Ivo are all running around building sentient robots of their own it's a bit much to claim that his kryptonian technology

    Hey, they didn't say the contestant isn't killed when caught!

    I'm getting really tired of zombies - the whole fad needs to just die already. I guess that wouldn't help though.

    I think season four and sort-of-season five were what happens when the show runners are caught off guard by a renewal.

    He's only inconsistent if you assume he's not playing up the American Moron thing to distract their suspicions towards the other characters there. I mean, he is a goon, but probably not that dumb of a goon.

    Also like half the agents we see wandering around in the background.

    "Don't be absurd! That can't be Coulson, his arm's in a slin…OH MY GOD!"

    I hope they eventually reveal that all the boring characters are just undercover for Hydra. Not just Lincoln, but Daisy as well ("Wait, you're Hydra? I'm totally Hydra too!" [high five])

    I don't think they could have kept it exactly the way it was, but I would have liked to see them keep it as close to that as they could. Maybe make it red-ish and stick some horns on there or something now that he's got the Devil nickname, but otherwise keep it the same fabric/style.


    I'd be fine with them doing it for the sake of coolness if that was literally their stated motivation.

    He's a member of the Hand, right?

    Just knowing what city someone is from or even what their name is isn't really very much to go on. I mean, maybe if you hired a private investigator and were patient and spent a lot of time confirming stuff?

    Maybe, but their alternative was to just execute him. So …

    She's actually openly talked about how it's the exact opposite of trying to be sexy or cute. (If you watch/read interviews with her she definitely comes off as being both pretty intelligent and knowing exactly what she's up to.)

    Is it bad to secretly hope that, like Lucifer, they're just going to make this one a police procedural where Jesse uses the voice of god to help a young vampire detective solve crimes?

    I don't know why you would spend money to make Luke Cage and Iron Fist shows if that wasn't your intention. Maybe Netflix knows. But I hope not.

    They're probably just one of those MRA people, like you see at Return of Kings.

    Also they couldn't be moving through the events they are at the pace of the books if they were starting at the age they start from in the books. To be honest I'm still pretty sure they're trying to cover the full first book with this season and that that's a big mistake. They might have done better doing it the way
