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    Mike was a real person who already lived in the world: the Beast possessed him (occasionally), which could mark a difference. And Mike had an "alumni key"* that could let him on campus so that was a way around the wards that he couldn't breach otherwise (they put them back after the initial time he showed up in

    I'm pretty sure they did do that, but it was in a discussion with Elliot or Margo rather than a speech by the dean.


    I never disliked Quentin!

    I look forward to when they run out of things on the white board.

    She's off partying!

    Actually that probably is a good explanation. And it doesn't help that the Portland metropolitan area is seriously (ok yes I looked it up) over half of the population of the state right there.

    Not only does Quentin have a collection, on vinyl, of Leonard Nimoy’s
    spoken word albums, but he apparently brought them to school. What is the opposite of “panty whisperer”?

    One of them was married to the director, and the other was the daughter of the first one?

    Hey don't you talk that way about Roar! That movie is stone cold amazing.

    I was just excited to see them talking about Roar!, which is one of the really great mostly-forgotten movies.

    Please. Everyone knows that humor has a strong liberal bias.

    I guess to be fair at least a little, would you trust Simpson?

    I think you mean.. the Time Sandwiches.

    Almost certainly, but that was Snart doing something different from what he said he was going to do (and what the rest of the crew agreed to). They were ok with "take him out behind the barn space ship that can time travel and put him out of his misery" plan.

    After all, who else would look after the children?

    Or even if not both Time Masters, surely there's some kind of basic support staff at their massive spaceship base or something. "Ok but you have to do ship maintenance and engineering or something" would make a lot more sense.

    This was my assumption as well, though I also remember Rip saying something like "now listen to me very carefully" after fighting the Space Pirate!, which left me confused, because it made it sound like that was the point where he told them about his plan.

    And from what I know Wilt Chamberlain actually did train with Bruce Lee and, apparently, when they sparred he tended to win as much as he lost because, well, he could kick up from like six feet away. So, yeah.