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    Within closed spaces and when injured by a flamethrower I'm guessing those are trickier to pull off though.

    I don't know if it would be backtracking: bisexuality means she could go for either gender.

    I'm going with the theory that Gideon just kind of hates them and is passive aggressively trying to screw them over since its programming prevents it from just venting all the air into space on its own.

    The odds thing always drives me nuts when a computer/robot does it because it almost always turns out that the obscenely unlikely thing happens (easily). I mean, good grief people. They should at least have some explanation for why it worked out so bizarrely?

    "Well if you didn't want someone to beat people up, kill them, and steal things then why did you ask me to come along in the first place!?"
    "Snart wouldn't come along without you and I wanted him, that's all. You were just baggage."
    "Oh. Well why did you want Snart?"
    "For the same reason I wanted Sara, moron. I wanted

    It also feels kind of inconsistent with Mick Rory's character to me. I mean, killing someone out of anger in the moment, or just plain thuggery makes sense - that's part of the character. But calmly tracking down people over the course of years to avenge what was basically hurt feelings?

    I would believe it more easily if Snart was still at least trying to steal stuff or take notes on future things or something. There's no reason he couldn't be doing that and still have the same conflict with Rory, after all, it would just be a long game vs. impulsive short game conflict. And, well, that's already

    Also if you have a ship that travels through space and it's not resistant to radiation or heat you're definitely going to end up with your entire crew dying pretty quickly. How to deal with a lot of radiation exposure is maybe the biggest technical challenge with sending someone to Mars right now, and one of the main

    Hey - it's time travel right?

    "… and anyway I was just listening to this guy on your "AM Radio" and he said it's pretty much the same thing here so what's the big deal?"

    Of course now that I'm thinking about it they really should have had Rip Hunter look at them like they were idiots when he came back on board.

    A spaceship having spacesuits on board!?

    Also from what I can remember the main thing they wanted to steal was … the thing needed to travel through time.

    Maybe that's what Water Pirates do, but everyone knows other pirates use more accurate descriptions like "Space Pirate" or "Time Pirate" or "Future Pirate".

    It's something we've seen multiple characters stand about five feet away from and be totally unharmed, so I don't know if it's that dangerous.

    I think it's pretty safe to say it's a fakeout.

    So instead they… kill him?

    Also not having a favorite color.

    I just choose to believe that Jax was doing to it annoy Palmer and Stein (and god knows he has reasons to want to screw with them) who were jumping up and down with excitement, and maybe Rip Hunter who is at least impressed with himself for flying around in it.

    "..there, now you can't return to the ship!"
    "What do you mean? I'm right here you just froze the ground? I could just [slips and falls] damnit! I'll get you for [slips and falls again] RRRAAARRGHH [slips and falls] Ow that seriously hurt! Hey! Hey come back here!"