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    "Radiation is super bad for you" is something that we learned later than ideal, really. Around the time that show was set shoe stores sometimes had X-Ray machines in them so they could x-ray your feet to see what size they were.* And it was only about ten years before that people figured out that it was a bad idea

    God, Sousa. Giving up the location of the uranium rods to save Peggy was the right call. Telling him where they actually were was not.

    …"also EatItSeaborgium".

    I think if you want to talk about what Gail Simone said, and especially if you want to accuse her of dishonesty, you have to actually address what she said specifically, and not someone mentioning her years later while talking about a television show.

    I was really unhappy when Carter pulled a gun on him. He really did have things under control there, and pulling off that plan was actually pretty impressive on his part.

    I don't know - they do say the faculty are around, just not involved. That wouldn't make it too far from having the TAs proctor the final exam.

    Borne out by science!

    The Green Hornet (obviously the Blue Morpho's parallel) was a vigilante who was seen as a criminal boss by the police and general public, and who used that general perception as a way to infiltrate criminal organizations.

    Lee: What do you mean!? I'm not trans!

    The corruption might have been part of the point, honestly. Right at the beginning of the meeting it was made pretty clear that it wasn't "get a legal opinion" so much as "get a legal reason why it's ok for us to do this". The second the guy in charge of it said why they were there was the point at which someone

    She also has trouble when it comes to questions about people she doesn't literally identify with on a personal level, which isn't really that surprising I guess given how wealthy she is and how insulated that makes her. A surprising amount of episodes involve her being shocked or confused by how hard things are for

    Yes - it's not just that they unlock when the power goes out. They literally open, just in case any of the prisoners didn't know it was time to leave.

    In at least some places the lower level elections don't really even have parties in the same way. Or at least in Minneapolis the local elections only have parties in the sense that the candidate can write which party they're "affiliated" with on the registration form and have it show up on the ballot. The actual

    Also Ollie is married (ok sort of in a league-of-assassins way but Nyssa calls it that) to Nyssa. At that point it would be really hilarious.

    Thea's internal monologue: "Let's see how it works out for you this time, you jerk."

    "So, look I know we agreed to not interfere with each others' lives much Samantha, and I do respect that, but …"

    I assumed this as well. I did like the idea of one of them saying "There's only one factory and every highschool chemistry classroom that stocks it!"

    I also like that apparently no one else on the team thought to prepare anything. I imagine Diggle just off in the corner working on his electromagnet while everyone else is off doing things, not even bothering to plan ahead in the slightest.

    "Ollie! An evil gang of supervillains with ice related powers has stolen a massive amount of liquid nitrogen and they're holding Curtis Holt hostage! You have to help us!"

    "Wait, but how are you William he's clearly a white kid and you are black?"