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    If she'd been dragging around a little cart with a compressed air tank that would have made the fight scenes kind of awesome, though.

    This was also my reaction through those fight scenes. That is not how they work! Why would they ever work that way!? That would be useless for construction and really dangerous!


    I really wish we had seen it, what with Ollie's awesome "hey by the way I know all about your supervillain husband with a secret plan to do something horrible and how you were hoping to blow up this whole building and kill everyone in it and probably didn't actually spend a lot of time doing debate prep now let's go

    I'm super ambivalent about this. On the one hand, screw you DC! On the other hand, this new book is amazing.

    "… now, obviously we haven't done any human trials yet, or even animal ones if I'm being completely honest. Actually I just sort of rigged it up the other night and stuck a battery in there.* But hey, what's the worst that could happen? Let's go stick this jagged circuit board directly into your spine!"

    I loved the reaction shots from the other people at the table - that guy in the middle looked like he thought it was pretty great how he did that. ("Hah! That's what you get for that one there, buddy!")

    I had the distinct impression that Eirik wasn't really as loyal to Rollo as he was pretending to be, but mostly trying to lure him into a trap (mainly from the way he told Rollo that half the camp were angry, and that he totally wasn't in that group), and that Rollo saw through him. It doesn't make bringing a huge

    I can't tell if it's the show or just the vikings, but there really is something odd about those crossbows. They seem way too easy to draw back - the people involved aren't putting too much effort into it. The advantage of the crossbow, from what I can remember, was that you didn't need to spend half your life

    That feature has made me wonder about the books, though. I can't always place where the differences are in the behavior, which makes me suspect that the books disguise the fact that he's basically a violent impulsive teenager for most of the first couple by telling the story in the first person so you don't always

    I also doubt that people in the USSR designing a Siberian prison for the worst people around would have the locks default to "off" whenever the power failed.

    Arrow season 5:
    "…hold on, you guys have cancer too?"

    I really wish that when Jackson had started whining about feeling like he was being put on the JV team Hunter had just said "Yeah, because you aren't as good at stuff as they are. That's why you're still here and they're doing things."

    "You'll never find them Savage! I went back and hid them from you at 5436 Evergreen Drive Apartment 103 St. Louis Missouri postal code.."

    This seems right to me: there really isn't much there for the actor to work with. He's supposed to be menacing, and a super dangerous threat and then every other episode he ends up in a ball going "Not in the face not in the face!". I guess it's possible for an actor to pull that off, even given the scripts. But

    If season two is just the exact same basic set of events except with Chronos and the Time Masters as the protagonists trying to stop a desperately incompetent moron and his gang of thugs from destroying the timeline with incredibly powerful technology I will love this show forever.

    "So is Star City saved!?"
    "Yes, thank goodness. We prevented that catastrophe from happening.
    "Of course, New York is still completely flattened, and the less you know about Mumbai the better. But that horrible thing was supposed to happen."

    I really wanted someone to ask her about why exactly she knew that about Russian law. It's like when someone knows the exact age of consent in each of the different US states - it could be totally innocent knowledge, but probably there's a disturbing story and/or character trait there.

    Also apparently the only thing they could think to communicate was that they were coming to get him, which is about as useful as sending the message "You are in the USSR" or "Please don't give them massively destructive superhero soldiers". I mean, I think he could probably have figured that much out.

    I really don't understand how Stein's "Aren't you too young to be drinking that!?" line didn't end up with him being punched in the face.