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    I think we have to assume that is intentional and he's a moron and a screw-up.

    At some point I wish he'd try dropping a name that isn't a historically important monster. Instead it's just "Hello my ancient foe. Would you like one of these cupcakes I made? I got the recipe from my good friend…Genghis Khan" over and over again.

    Or to just absorb the radiation/explosion/etc of her blowing up the way they did with that actual, significantly larger nuclear warhead.

    It could be both though, right?

    I think it was supposed to be part of why the merger with the scientist didn't work as well as with Jackson, and why Stein could get out of it while leaving her all firestormy? It's hard to tell, really, but I assume it must have been something like that.

    The complete lack of reaction on Valentina's part to his "in the future what will happen is…" monologue seemed strange to me: not even the slightest "what are you, some kind of time traveler" reaction? Just, "Yeah well we're working on changing that so there"?

    I know that it's probably not true, but I'm still hoping that part of the reason future-green-arrow seems so hostile to them is that they're all still speaking half in Russian and he can't understand what they're talking about.

    There better be some payoff at the end where it turns out that Rip was working with Savage the entire time, in order to explain why he has Savage at his mercy every other episode and never does a single thing about it.

    I hadn't thought about it before but you're right about Heatwave, which is kind of hilarious. He doesn't have much in the way of goals, or much interesting in making complicated plans. But once there's something he's supposed to do he pretty much does it, usually flawlessly even when it's something weird or

    Or, I dunno, have him use the gun to put ice all over the ground. Or have them work together to shatter things by heating them up and then freezing them.

    At the very least they could have the guy wildly waving a powerful flamethrower around set something on fire at some point. I mean, I get why they don't want to show him severely burning people because that would be horrifying. But good grief he's shooting that thing off in the middle of forests, inside rooms with


    And a magic gun that continues to seem less effective than, well, a gun that is just a gun.

    I liked that Ray apparently was unable to put together "communist country" and "investor" when planning how he was going to approach someone. I'm starting to think it would have been more plausible if they'd had someone else just find the suit he built because the whole "genius" thing is getting harder to believe.

    "1986 - the heart of the cold war"

    "..Actually bankers do that a lot too, in order to loan it to people. It's sort of their business model really."

    I dunno - "Oh it's a wizard"/"Look it's probably the son of one of the God's" would probably go at least as far in the past as "really scientific…thing..look over there!" would today.

    You'd think "don't tell people about the future" would be the sort of thing Time Masters were taught at some point, too.

    They really do need someone to bring this kind of thing up at some point, if only to add some dumb-but-whatever answer in, because it's just not plausible to me that none of the characters on that ship would notice the obviousness of this kind of solution.

    But surely they can go back to just a little later on right?