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    Did they ever tell Nyssa about the whole 'soul returned to her body' thing?

    I just imagine that since hacking doesn't work in timeframes like that they've just made a prior agreement that in cases of conflict the argument will be settled by playing StreetFighter II on their computers, and that's why they're frantically pressing buttons.

    I think the ableism was intentional on the part of the show, though. At least I don't think he's supposed to come off as being nice or reasonable in that scene (even if he is kind of right about how she shouldn't be giving the speech if she's nervous and fumbling around like that).

    It's kind of hilarious in a dark way how she makes that decision and literally every living relative* she has immediately goes "You know it really isn't that big of a deal killing people, seriously, I'll help out."

    To be fair, the show has made it pretty clear that Oliver should be doing everything he can to prevent Felicity from preparing food for anyone.

    From all the arrows being shot at people I believe that spot is just a little to the side of the center of a person's chest.

    Show: "And.. later on.. a character important to Oliver will DIE!"
    Fans: "Oh my god! Who!? [wild speculation follows]"
    Show: "Also like every secondary character from the last three years .. IS BACK!"

    Fans: "Oh come on."

    "…It was really great but then he betrayed me in what I guess was a really predictable way. So what are you working on over there?"

    Barry: "Huh, "tar pit" you say? Well I dunno I…."
    [Tar Pit shifts into Clayface form]

    Or they just plain don't have any idea they're meta.

    Maybe it went into her lung?

    Barry: "Hey let's work together on this, I really think we have kind of a mentor/mentee thing and.."

    "Dad? Am I going to be ok?"
    "Don't worry Iris, it was a fairly minor cut and they said you really just needed a couple stitches.
    "But.. wait.. then why I am just now waking up from surgical anaesthesia?"
    "…Well to be honest you were also really annoying them."

    …I mean, both options have their appeal, but you do have to choose.

    It's especially painful when (like with Galavant or NBC with Hannibal) they renew them past the point where their ratings really justify it. Some of the people there really want to be airing great shows! But for whatever reason it just doesn't work out well.

    "… I was misinformed"

    HE CAN BE IN TWO PLA….No wait sorry never mind.

    Or, actually now that I think about it, in reality there was a lot less charging at machine gun fire.

    True - but there was a lot less charging at machine gun fire.

    Hey, you don't know that for sure!