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    It looks like he can make some contact with matter, just not much. So he can move very light weight objects but not heavier ones and if someone tries to sort of poke at him then their hand goes through. (This would also explain why the chemical that makes him visible can touch him enough in the first place to have

    (As a followup to previous comment)
    As opposed to race, gender is a really great example of something that would definitely be a huge issue. (Think about White Canary showing up with short blond hair and wearing what looks like underwear in large parts of European history. There would be a very immediate (false)

    Also a lot of what looks like really aggressive racism in it on the part of some of the characters is partly due to the context we're reading it from ('Moor' could have referred to a pretty large number of different groups, several of which we wouldn't recognize today as black at all). Or, in other words, the racism

    In fairness though the question the critic is asking is basically "Why don't I like the Daily Show?"

    The Daily Show really hasn't had much in the way of teeth in a long time: what was making people like the critic at Slate think it did is that they formed that opinion of Stewart back in 2000-2006 when there were long periods where it was the only thing out there willing to point out just how insane/wrong large chunks

    Slate has been writing this exact article pretty much every week since Trevor Noah took over the chair. It's pretty meaningless.

    I hope they eventually explain the the endless and most inconsistent series of conspiracies they kept finding but which kept being smokescreens for a different one even though they were also real conspiracies (or whatever was supposed to be going on by the end of the previous series/movies I gave up watching them). I

    "Morning star" doesn't mean in some general sense though: it literally means the morning star - which is actually the planet venus. And "Lucifer" was the word for that star (in latin). It's etymology is interesting, but it does literally mean the morning star.

    This seems like a great opportunity for a hilarious episode where a defense lawyer successfully gets every single person they arrested acquitted on grounds that having someone who can irresistibly compel you to reveal your deepest secret with no choice on your part interrogating suspects (prior to a point where they

    It is amazing and I love it beyond all description.

    Jason is the name you type when you're remembering the name the basically-the-same character has in the comics and that they changed to something (Jackson) that sounds almost exactly the same because, hey, why not.

    Well he wanted to bring her but he only had enough roofie juice for one person. It was the end of the month, you know how that goes.

    Given how long they've been wandering around the earth their descendants probably amount to a pretty huge percent of the population.

    This was also my reaction to it: dude just wanted to score some drugs. Sedatives can be fun! You don't have to take unconscious-and-no-memory doses.

    "I had this guy Cisco make it - he's really amazing at that kind of thing!"
    "Wow yeah that… that looks really.. skin tight. How did he make it so tailored - have I met him, or anything?"
    "No. Well, maybe actually but it would have been when you were chained up and stuff."
    "It… jesus is there even room in here for

    Man, if you think she looks haggard now you should have seen her before the lazarus pit.

    He could be using that to convince Rory to come along, but be planning to use it to find out useful stuff/set up schemes in the past to exploit in the present/etc. There's a lot of information and/or very low level meddling you could do in the past that Rip probably wouldn't notice (stuff at the level of a bar fight,

    I think the Louis CK bit is pretty exaggerated. We're talking a couple hundred years of European history there, max. Our current sorts of racial categories didn't really apply to any way people divided stuff up five or six hundred years ago probably - you'd have been as likely to get "Look!

    I think it would be great if it was just the name he'd given the AI because of the Flash's AI.