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    They should split them up like that and then only show what happened with the third group. The other two can, I dunno, briefly summarize what they did at the end of the episode or something if it's important but the show should only be Sara, Snart and Rory doing stuff.

    I'd love it if Palmer keeps whining about that until Rip Hunter admits that he was making the "time doesn't care about you" thing up to screw with him.

    I would love it if like the next eight episodes had only Firestorm in it because Jax is just refusing to de-bond with Stein in order to dick him over. "Jax! Look I said I was sorry can I have a body again please for god's sake it's been six weeks!"

    Also: "Time resists change that's why I'm putting people who time doesn't care that much about in harm's way rather than someone who's super important and, hence, would at least have that much protection."

    I cracked up at that because (1) yeah actually an innocuous boring looking escape vehicle really is a good idea and because (2) the minivan with the diapers in it also had two huge men wearing costumes and carrying enormous scifi guns. So somehow I feel like the clever ruse may not actually have worked.

    I like the idea that Savage just goes around getting selfies of himself at important historical events as a hobby or something. "Here I am with JFK sorry about the bullet lol j/k!"

    Heck, they could even just go back to right after they originally left Savage's .. dust? sitting there on the warehouse floor and pick it up then rather than letting Merlyn run off with it. That wouldn't itself cause a paradox because Savage hasn't reoccurred in their timestream directly. I mean, the central obvious

    And then they could pick up the smartass ten year old reincarnation of him in 2027!

    I hadn't even thought about the fact that he's just pouring it from a bottle on the sidebar rather than specifically sneaking it into the one drink.

    I thought Jason really should have been a lot more freaked out about the risks that Stein was taking running across the field too, rather than being impressed. He does remember that the whole reason he's there is that when Stein didn't have the original person bonded into Firestorm with him around he, um, was about

    He was probably just mad about the airline losing all his backage.

    Also he apparently just kind of abandoned it in the middle of a vacant lot with the top down. I would object to this kind of stupid behavior but I've interacted with lots of people who work at universities and, yeah ok.

    I'm still baffled by Jason's reaction to being drugged and kidnapped. I assume it's going to be one of those first-we-fought-then-we-made-up things, because, well, it kind of has to be. But jesus, man. He used enough sedative to knock him unconscious for a good long time and mixed whatever it was with alcohol.

    No one even wants to conspire about Benghazi. It's really unfair.

    To be fair, given how often Star City gets shot up by lunatics at some point people would just adjust and start either buying bulletproof stuff or installing the cheapest crap imaginable on the assumption that you're probably going to have to replace it in a couple months anyway.

    They're going to be sitting there in the back seat for a long time if it was their car driver.

    But then it wouldn't have looked like a giant "A" burned across his face. I mean, he'd need a whole new thing to spray paint all over stuff.

    We're heading into season four at this point. I mean, he wasn't on the island indefinitely.

    That would make Oliver being at the grave while Felicity waits in the car for him kind of odd, though.

    It.. really wasn't subtle at all. If it was then sure, maybe*. But not by the point where he's leaning in/asking for her home number/etc.