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    Right after you show that Batman behaves the way you said.

    That's not due process. That's "person pretending to be a police officer but who also beats people up really badly when he doesn't always need to". Due process includes rules for how police behave as well.

    His commands wear off if people aren't in proximity to him for a while. If that had been why Jessica was immune she would have stopped being immune long before they met up again.

    Except they don't show that last bit at all. The most they show is that that's the first command she directly disobeys. Everything else is something you're adding to it.

    From what I could tell (I went back and checked) he's heading around Saturn. It looks kind of like after Saturn he's turning around and heading back the other way, but he's already hit Jupiter, one or two other smaller bodies, and what could just be a general representation of an asteroid belt (that he went through,

    Yes - it's made from tropical orchids from Tahiti* for god's sake.

    I think it's maximum speed - we see a count going of how long he's been out there and it looks like he's plotting a route with more than one slingshot in it. That would make navigating it a pretty tricky thing to do if you were trying to make it in the absolutely minimum time required without dying, and would

    There's certainly trouble once they leave low-g environments - there's that scene with the belter on earth that they're keeping under full gravity (as opposed to a water tank I think) as a form of torture. So it's true that people born on the far out colonies in the belt have trouble with gravity (including just on

    They should just have him wear it and, like in the comics for the most part, have no one ever remark on it as if it were a little strange to have a grown man walking around with a chain belt and a tiara.

    The disproportionate strength would probably (I think) fade relatively quickly, if only because it would be difficult to use effectively under low gravity like that for the same reason as the jumping six meters bit. We're used to pushing hard (and whatever) by relying on the friction between the ground and our feet,

    If the cubic meters of gas were sealed in a tube and directed straight at his face then, yes, it would have been more dangerous. But it wasn't. And a bunch of force sitting behind small things moving very very fast is something that can absolutely cause a lot of injury in a way that a big fireball will not.

    But it matters how that force was distributed, how it hit him, what it did when it hit him and so on. That's why even though the explosion in a shotgun pushes equally hard in both directions the effect of getting shot by on at close range in the shoulder is very very different from shooting one.

    Aside from the external* invulnerability everything else he does seems like he has a relatively human physiology. He can get drunk, after all, so why is it weird that he would have a concussion?

    Mike Colter's screen time may have been limited in this series, but his
    impact and nuance not wearing a shirt bodes really well for his series and the future.

    I'm not sure "this sounds like the choreography you get from inexperienced fighters trying not to get hurt or to seriously hurt anyone else either*" isn't, well, exactly the kind of fight you'd see when the characters are superpowered but also not experienced fighters in any serious sense and are aware that they could

    Simpson even says this early on in the show, right? Something along the lines of "ok guys you can't just put a guy on a building and have him wait really, really patiently you need to plan these things out carefully."

    We also see people selling Avengers action figures on, I think, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D so it's not unbelievable that that's part of how people react to superheroes showing up.

    Don't condemn it before you see it! They could make it a different origin story, like one where he murders Uncle Ben for the thrill of it or something.

    I suspect they may also have had something to do with some experiments performed on prisoners in the more recent history of the characters as well…