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    A concussion happens when the brain shakes around hard inside the skull - there doesn't need to be any visible head trauma because the damage is on the inside, which is why bullet proof skin wouldn't necessarily help him when it comes to a shotgun blast right up against his head. It can cause swelling inside the

    If you think about it from the perspective of one of the other characters (which is tricky because of how closely the show follows Jessica) Robyn probably doesn't seem much more annoying/grating/unpleasant than Jessica does. We just have a way more intimate relationship to Jessica, and what's going on with her, and

    Jessica Jones would make a pretty easy addition to a Nightwing Restorations show.

    Also we never know - Kilgrave might hide behind a dumpster as they walk by or something, which would be hilariously pathetic.

    Daredevil's choreography was based on the character being a superninja boxer, and most of his opponents either fit into one of those categories (somewhat) or were dispatched really quickly. Neither Jessica nor Luke come anywhere near that: Luke has clearly been in some fights, but he isn't a trained martial artist by

    I would love it beyond all belief if Quentin Tarantino made another movie involving a lot of people keeping secrets from each other with potentially conflicting interests in pretty much the same style as this one and Reservoir Dogs and then at the end instead of people dying it turned out that some of them were

    Yeah, but what about a movie that has a slow build to it with longer quieter bits of just dialogue and character work, eh?

    The latter, and pretty much immediately after they made it.

    Ohhh. You're a troll. Why didn't you say so earlier?

    Cite my source that people panic in life threatening, unfamiliar situations that come out of nowhere?

    In season two someone finds them and gets really, really high, I can only assume.

    It would have a pill bottle sized hole in it behind the blinds. She's still have to go around looking at each one until she found it.

    Also it's harder to indicate that someone is a scientologist without having it slip into the dialogue somewhere, I mean, unless they had the chance of a Tom Cruise cameo. Come to think of it, a Tom Cruise cameo would have been amazing though.

    I always think he isn't pulling it off and then he takes it off and we see his haircut and I think "No no, the hat is fine."

    My impression is that at least with wounds like that people tend to die very, very quickly or if not very slowly at least moderately slowly. If it doesn't hit a vein/artery/heart then that area is going to be mostly, what, lungs and/or stomach?

    She's on, what, at least the third floor of the building right? And my sense of the building's layout means that that would be overlooking an alleyway. In either case, though, finding something the size of a pill bottle thrown out of a window from that high up out into a busy section of a large city, in under two

    No dummy, the human psychology that concerns itself with suddenly being in a completely overwhelming threatening situation where someone you saw as weaker than you/not a threat is literally slicing at you with a knife while counting in a dull monotone. And I'm pointing out that "Whoa! This is new. Ok let's think

    Um, you realize that that's not how human psychology works, right?

    I'm pretty sure panicky responses can last more than thirty seconds or so, especially when you're still in the middle of being attacked. It's not like being startled or something.

    Yeah that last explanation doesn't sound that strange given what's recently come to light in Chicago.